Bowdoin College Korea Alumni + Startups!

It was the second time we met up. I didn’t even know that it was a Bowdoin College Korea faction(?) existed at school. Haha! It was beyond my graduation day.

Bowdoin was picked as Number #1 as Liberal Art College in the USA this year (last year? Hmm…. It was always picked the top 1 – 5 spot in liberal arts colleges) and colleges by Forbes has a ranked as #17.

Here it is:

Bowdoin College alumni meetup!

We talked about the old days at school, s/he what to what person, and, of course, startup stuff.

The one was started by a Startup called by John Kwangsung Park (Class of ’13) of Nonce, co-working spot located at Gangnam, Seoul. It had rooms (as in, you can stay/live here.) It’s unbelievable nice.





Michael Sungwoo Yang (양성우 / Class of ’14) is the man! He is working at Forager, a startup in the grocery space. He’s cool like that.

Leaving this plug here for everyone…

“Forager is a social impact startup founded with the mission to make local food more widely available for everyone. We streamline B2B procurement-to-payment process, making it just as easy to work with multiple local farms as it is with one distributor. Oh, and we’re also based in the beautiful city of Portland, Maine!” 🙂

She is Yunhee Jeong (정윤희 / Class of ’15). She is working for AI Zen, AI for better finance. She is also the like that. 😛

(Maan, they keep getting younger! Haha).



Bowdoin Korea Alumni 20181008_163212

Michael and me talks about life and business shop. 🙂

The roof is amazing… it has a pool!


You can see the whole top of Gangnam. He picked a good spot. 🙂


The last meetup was somewhere in Gangnam …


We had a good trip.

AND here is a long time ago, past one.

William Bao Bean (he is the same year of me^^) is Accelerator/VC/Angel like me. 😛 🙂

Bowdoin Asia

Jaeyoung (변재영) (Class of *I forgot* something younger then me)… she rocks! She is a journalist. Not bad! 🙂

And the others, I forgot their names 🙁  But Bowdoin guy and gals (and the VCs who is from another school.)


I’ve got some more photos of the Bowdoin class of alumni… only can’t find them. 🙁 Next time!

(If you want your picture up, Bowdoin College Alumni, hit me up and include it. 🙂 )

Bowdoin + Asia/Korea Alumni = NICE!! 


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min

2 thoughts on “Bowdoin College Korea Alumni + Startups!

  • awesome!

    • Thanks! You noticed your picture there? haha

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