Lee Seo Young (이서영) and Yonsei, etc.
I was going to see my friend (sometime in winter!), Lee SeoYoung (she was doing announcing work way back in
Read moreI was going to see my friend (sometime in winter!), Lee SeoYoung (she was doing announcing work way back in
Read moreOkay. Let me go through one more time. I am going to get personal to my friends and the rest
Read moreOn my quest for Zero Waste plastics (and animal agriculture), Kara Paik (a friend from college), hit me with this one. And
Read moreI have this frozen shoulder BEFORE the stroke (skateboarding, swimming, baseball, etc), and the stroke made it worse. 🙁 Several
Read moreRichard Min Marshall and me going birding again… in Korea! Oh daaam, I am excited. Birdwatching, or birding, is a form
Read moreI love this site! It has the stuff I need to now about, basically, stroke and post-stroke therapy at home
Read moreWhole food plant-based diet prevents, suspend and/or cures all (peer-reviewed research findings) What can REVERSE a heart attack (the coronary
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