“Change the culture (slowly and persistently) and you can change everything.” – Seth’s Blog


Seth has done it right. I read Seth blog all the time. Here is a interesting one. It speak to my inner core.

“Slowly and persistently”

As someone who has throw everything to Korea – first in Accelerator in the Korea, first to throw a Facebook event in Korea, and first to throw event in Twitter in Korea, first to host for “This Week In Startups” in Korea, first Angelhack in Korea (where did that post go? Hmmm. Put it on the list.)…

the list goes on.

That’s the one I didn’t get. I’m getting it now.

Hurry up, but patiently and slowly. (I am a oxymoron like that. Haha.)

“Change the culture (slowly and persistently) and you can change everything.”

It work on so many levels. I like that.

You can read Seth blog and you’ll be impressed.  https://seths.blog/

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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