Silhouette, group of happy children playing on meadow, sunset, summertime

Children: Go all in. It’s all about YOU (the parents)

This one is about you. Who will start a family?
(Take it from someone who has stroke/aphasia, who was a meat/chicken/pork/dairy eater, and comes out the other side… better in terms of health.)

Start with your family and BABIES/CHILDREN being the most important. Get them on a “Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition” and be done with it.

Go all in.

None of this “Meatless Monday” or stuff like that. Just do it. It’s all about YOU (the parents).

Never mind that “liked” business — I LIKED the taste of milk or beef, etc. We can eat meat by choice. “Need” is what’s important.

(Aside: I, like you, used to believe that — we needed beef, chicken, etc. I was wrong. “Need” and “Like” are two different things. We need water and air and we all have the same nutrient needs. Why do you think that everybody has chronic disease locked up inside them? Genes? No, not even close. Saturated fat, trans fats, sodium – bad for everybody, not just for some people. Fiber, folate, potassium but good for everyone, not just for some people… it’s hard to get around the biology of it.)

But babies? It’s about the baby health. It’s for THEM. Screw the facts, and you liked cheese (for example).

You lead and they follow. Go all in and never look back.

AAAAAAAANNNNDD the foods will be delicious! 🙂 Trust me.

(If you change my mind and became a “whole food plant-based diet”, good! You are in good company.)

AAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDD left to their own devices, I think, that’s the children will choose themselves.

We are pushing to the bad habits of meat/fish etc (from our parents etc.), when we don’t have to. From newborns to old age, human body does not want that!!!

The bad:

– Habit

– Society / Culture

– Parents (this means YOU!)

– Environment

It will PUSH the children to go with societal ways, NOT that the children want that.

For the children…

For the parents…

(He is good. Watch it. I’m serious… WATCH IT!

Thanks for sharing that, Juweon Jonathan Kim)

For the doctors who speaks at Google…

(Watch this YouTube video from the beginning, I don’t know why it’s starts from the middle!)

That is all she wrote.


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 201 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min