China’s is not going to stop… until they have to.

China’s Factory of Ideas

China picked up…. well, hell, it’s picked up and threw it place in “Great of Digital Wall” of China. Ha.

Quartz News

It’s got of dozens and dozens of years before China and USA (and other parties) come to head… or parallel each other. Who cares? I don’t.

China Being China

You are probably going to get pissed off right now. China has this little thing we call, “Communist Party of China.  And they are using the capitol better than we are. (LoL.) For now.

The communist killed Kpop and Kdrama (I should give you tons of examples), killed Korea based hospitals (Oh, Korea, tsk tsk), and kill Hollywoods movies (how many movies are Chinese backed out there? It’s a matter of time.) and killed Google, and Facebook, and Twitter, and HBO and… the list goes on. Kill it and make room for China.

Baidu, Tencent, WeChat, Alibaba are all Chinese companies that are blocked off any access. Chinese internet companies are not secured data, and who knows where it is goes, and Chinese government… oh, the Chinese government. < shiver >

But… that will be it.

Once you get big enough, you will have to pick sides, or get out. Make money, and get out of China, or stay there. Democracy or Communism. That is it. Done. Finished.


Innovation is the key.

Innovation is NOT tied to democracy or communism.

The video was wrong on one point:

“That innovation doesn’t actually require democracy or free flow of ideas “

There is so many thing wrong with that, I don’t know where to begin. (ㅠㅠ)

Chinese startup accelerator friends and friends all around China, and they don’t see a business problem and personal problem. Neither do I.

US and China will have it out. It doesn’t matter who wins. (Personally, I pick either India or Africa… wwaaaaayyyy down the line. haha(^_^))

Innovation is a centerpiece to ALL cultures.

So, have at it!

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min