David Y. Lee, Founder and CEO of Shakr, and Richard Min

David and me.  Maan, has it been that long? (ever since … hmmm…Wetoku (2009?) days. Heh!) 

It been quite a ride. 

David Y. Lee and Richard Min and adventures we’d shared… and still going! 

Shakr is the move!

David Shakr (that’s what I call him, David Shakr. We have to many Davids around here. Haha!)

He has been to my Accelerator and Seoul Space’s lead investments, and he has been a great friend. 

David, you rock!! 



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We are off to take on the future!!! Haha!!

Thanks, David. You are awesome. 



Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min