Do NOT be a “Startup Guy”

If this was in Korean as well, it would exactly be how startups guys are at Seoul Space or Fashion Technology Accelerator!

(haha! joking… but if you can’t laugh at yourself sometimes… then you really have troubles ^___^;)


DISCLAIMER: Watching the video means you agree to our Non-disclosure agreement and all related ideas, thoughts, desires, ambitions or future funding received for a startup following the viewing the video are not-really, but kinda partially, wholly and universally owned properties and ©, TM, patent-pending, all rights reserved of aforementioned jibberish media and Seoul Space and its partners and affiliates and friends and family and neighbors and the guy at the coffee shop who gives us discounts — unless jibberish media is real, in which case we have no association with it or the video, which we actually don’t eitherway… in which case, its just funny video.)

On a *slightly* serious “takeaway” note:

This video is funny. It is funny, unfortunately, because the stereotype is something everyone in the IT/startup industry can relate to: jibberish, double-talk, name dropping and over-hyping without any real content, business model, and/or deep know-how and experience.

Do NOT be those Startup Guys!!

Have dreams, have goals, have plan to get there… and implement it! But always check yourself periodically to make sure you aren’t drinking your own Kool-aid and do a “stand naked in front of the mirror” test (figuratively people!) — either yourself, with advisors, or friends (or someone who won’t sugarcoat their feedback) — where you strip your idea and business down to its bare essentials and see if still like what you see. The reality is, if you can’t handle that, then you probably shouldn’t be doing a startup.

Its can be very enlightening, always humbling, and sometimes …the thing that makes a critical “pivot” or, even better, gives you confidence that you are on the right path to reaching those dreams.

However, at the end of the day, if you really, really want to know the guys at Jibberish Media ©®™(NOT), then we can introduce you to a few guys that know the guy from the company that had an exit after being at that conference back they attended when raising their seed round from Jack. You know Jack, right? ^^;;

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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