Document, Not Highlight and Rewind the Clock

I’ve been doing this thing nowadays…

I have been creates documentary, and I have a look in the past.

Two new things.

Document, Don’t Highlight.

I had been doing it for years. I’ve been highlight, not documenting. I’ve been doing on Seoul Space since the beginning and others.

I put it on YouTube/Soundcloud on repeat once in a while (it helps with aphasia), usually TED Talks, motivational (yes, I watch those), plant-based nutrition, foods and networks, movie, etc … and caught something.

“Document, don’t create.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

That was interesting.

I’ll put one thing in (a post, a picture, and sound bytes, etc)… everyday. I’ve been documenting, but this is new one.

[Well, how I do it given stroke/aphasia… hmmmm. … maybe I can Save it? Hhhhhhhmmmmm…..I’ll have to think about it.]

Not once a week or once a month – once a day. (Twice a day, three times a day… the sky the limit.) Stroke aside, I’ll have put ANYTHINGS once a day.

It is hard, but I gotta to do it.


Rewind the Clock

I have been backward to my reformer years. I rewound the clock. Advertising, website creation and managings, and these basic things. Now I’m did it because of my aphasia, but it has thrown new line of… work(?). (I get things confused (aphasia), so I have to relearn some things.)

It has thrown me back to, I don’t know, high school (debate class)? College? Living in US vs Korea (something like, 20 years?). Remember those days, circa 2000. Zingu days, FIRST Pay-Per-Click and search engine company in Korea (my first Korean company) and David Lee came to see me (Co-Founder of Seoul Space). He was the 150 people of Google. Maan, those where some time ago.

Well, it has thrown me a good ways back in time.

And I’ve got a lot of stuff in there.

  • Mom has passed away
  • Whole plant-based foods
  • My Grandfather Captain Shin Yong-Wook. He founded Korean National Airlines (KNA). It was the first (commercial cargo and passenger) air carrier in Korea.
    Korean National Airlines
    Douglas DC-4-1009 Korean National Airlines HL-108.jpg
    Founded 1946
    Commenced operations 1948
    Ceased operations 1962 (nationalized)
    Operating bases Kimpo International Airport
    Fleet size 7
    Headquarters SeoulSouth Korea
    Key people Shin Yong-Wook, Founder & CEO (my Grandfather :))

    (I will do a separated post.)

  • Dad and sister, Angie, and niece, Charlotte
  • Roots
  • Big vs Small (countrywise)
  • US vs Korean culture
  • Work related (that was heavy one)
  • Cities vs Rural life
  • Google
  • Internal and external
  • Etc

I have been thinking a lot. Haha.

Past, present and future. I forgot about the past.

Well, now I know.

So, I’ve been using this:

1. Back the beginning (while always looking to the future)
2. Document, don’t highlight stuff. And make sure you do it once a day (assuming your aphasia will allow 🙁 ).

It hard to back to beginning… and very interesting as well.

I will see how it turns out.


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min