Don’t Die Korea (Seoul) Meetup

Saturday, October 12, 2024 // 10.12.2024
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM,
A Twosome Place (Gangnam Station, Exit 4)
362 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea
(Seoul, South Korea)

ANYONE could join! I will pick nutrition as my “go-to-thing”, but you could pick fitness, or career, or animal rights, or enviroment, or mental health, or religion or political stance, or philosophy meanderings… anything… as long as it requires LONGEVITY and maximizing your healthspan.

“I have so many questions”. Us too.

‘DD means something different to everyone. It’s also complicated, nuanced and sometimes hard to quantify. For example, is staying out late with friends better than going to bed on time? How about just once a month? Is accelerating technological development better than slowing it down? Does sometimes eating a treat make any meaningful difference?

There are thousands of more great questions on what DD means practically, politically, economically, philosophically. That’s ok. We work on these gnarly problems all the time in society. For example, Democracy is just over 200 years old. A general consensus emerged in the 1770s that citizens wanted to adopt democracy in place of monarchy. We’ve spent the past two centuries fighting about what that actually means. DD is no different. There are endless questions to ask and answer.

What’s important is that there are enough of us to create a general consensus that after 4.5 billion years, for the first time ever, we can be bold in imagining that continued life is a choice. “

– Bryan Johnson (he sold Braintree, a payments provider, to PayPal for $800 million. He lived in Silicon Valley. )


We can build your own DD effort

Step 1: Identify the source of death

Step 2. State your goal

Step 3: Create a plan

Step 4: Build technology/community/coalition and scale


I’m a fanatical, major health/nutrition geek! 😁 (who is after longevity)

I eat Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB)* habit eating and vegan lifestyle.** I’m going the gym three times a week, and I exercise at home twice a day (morning and night). I’m in this for evidence-backed, healthy longevity reasons, and healthspan and lifespan. And vegan by choice.

I have stroke and aphasia due to my omnivore habits (which is bad), but it’s getting really BETTER, you have to deal with it until I’m healed. This is why I started down the whole food plant-based lifestyle (in honor of my late Mother… and me!).

After my stroke and aphasia, I started for WFPB eating for my health (I got buried down on research, studies, and evidence-backed data and videos), but animal cruelty, environment and pandemic were not far behind. And I want the children on it. It’s not me. It’s the doctors! Haha

I’m a passionate, amateur nutritionist scientist who is backed by consensus of medical literature and ARMY of EVIDENCE-BACKED doctors (some who are colleagues of mine from world famous US and Korea), and full-fledged nutritionists from the US and Korea, and OVER 17,000 DOCTORS and growing!!!!

… who all support PLANT-BASED eating.

I spend one hour to five hours DAILY on the research and videos to this day (roughly from my stroke until now). Prove me wrong!

Ask the experts (~10 minutes)

Someday to eat plant-based like me for HEALTH and longevity reasons (especially when you’re pregnant reasons. I can show you evidence-backed research later).

And, of course, I despise animal cruelty (animal agriculture and fishing are HORRIBLY cruel!😤 ) and climate crisis, which is caused by animal agriculture, especially cows).

– Lifestyles. (That includes, sleep, exercise, and when to eat (WFPB eating, of course😅), career/meditation/fasting/fun) 😁

– I want to live healthy to a 150+ years old and that’s the way I/WE want to do it!😜 (eg. data science, statistics, blue zones, etc.)


Live HEALTHY life,


Love Life


Live Well (together, if it is possible. lol)


How to live in a place of purpose and passion and longevity!

I’m driven to give that to other people and animals and earth every day.

We are who we spend our time with. Surround yourself with those who make you a better person.


* WFPB = Whole Food Plant-Based

** Eating = Diet.  I’m going with “eating/eat”, not “diet” because there are too much trends, diet fads, etc.

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 195 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min

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