Elon Musk’s New Project: Underground transportation route to Chicago airport


Elon Musk’s Vision

The Boring Company (Elon’s company) has the green light to build a high-speed underground transportation route in Chicago airport.

It’s the first one. Yeahhh!


He’s stacking up.


  • Solar roofs
  • Electric batteries


  • Powerwall
  • Electric Batteries


  • Electric cars (Tesla)
  • Rockets and Mars (and beyond) (SpaceX)
  • Underground Transportation 


We’re building the future. 


My father, Enrico Beltramini (Board of Directors of Gucci) and… Elon Musk, that’s who pick to be Mentors of mine (eh … not quite Mentors of mine, but close enough).

I have a question at parties or simple just hang outs:

Who could change the world more?

(100 years from his lifespan)

Steve Jobs (Apple) vs Google (Larry Page, Sergey Brin) vs Elon Musk (Tesla/SpaceX)?

All high-end business types (VCs, Walt Disney (China), Tech Titans, startups and the celebrities/models… this is what I got (mind you, 4 years ago):

  • 8 people voted: Steve Jobs (!!!!!)
  • 0 voted Google (but there was 3 doubters, I was one. Google is monster.)
  • 1 Elon Musk

Who do you think picked Elon?

Me!  Ha.

Given the current position, I would assume that they must have changed. I don’t know. I’ll have to go back and ask.

I’ll say it again, Elon for the win.

Come on, Elon!

What do you think?


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min