Enrico Beltramini, Founder of Fashion Technology Accelerator

Back on the scene…sssllloowwllyyyyyy.
(Remember, health is 80% …. “work” is getting up there!)

Enrico Beltramini, Founder of Fashion Technology Accelerator (FTA) and Fashion Intelligence Ventures (FIV)… Yeah!!

(Richard Min, Manager Partner of FDA/FIV and Enrico Beltramini, Founder of FDA/FVI.)

Enrico Beltramini is here in Korea. Yah! Fashion Technology Accelerator! FTA!!!! FIV!!!!

It’s very exciting. I had meetings and lunch with Enrico Beltramini. We talked about… stuff. Haha.

Here is his bio:
Enrico Beltramini: LinkedIn

“Previous operational experience as a high-end luxury and fashion brands executive, including Board of Directors at Gucci in New York. Broad based M&A, venture and private equity investing, portfolio company management, strategy and corporate development experience from global firms such as Fiat, PA Consulting, and Rinascente Group.”


“He is also the co-founder of Fashion Intelligence Ventures, the first venture fund based in Silicon Valley targeting early stage investment opportunities in artificial intelligence, robotics, internet of things, smart infrastructure, as well as companion technologies where technology blends with design, fashion and aesthetics.”

Impressive. 🙂

He is cool just waiting it out (my stroke/aphasia). We talked business, personal stuff and random stuff…
just slowly getting the scene again.

It was good to see him (and his wife) again.

My interview with him: (I can’t get it off my phone. Argh! Do you know how to get your phone?)

Richard, Enrico and Danny Woo (Founder and CEO of Global Top Round and Advisor/Board Member of FTA)

Richard, and Dad and his wife, Laura, name(???look it up!) and Enrico.

“Sun the Bud”, Cheongnam-dong, Seoul, Korea. It’s the first one in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul (high-end Seoul) plant-based food is on the menu (I picked it myself), and rest of them… I don’t know what they had. Haha! :/

Sun the Bud

Richard and Ernico.

My father, Ernico’s wife, Enrico, and Richard.

Uhg… Lighting was bad for the group. I’ve got to get a new camera!

Paolo Ivancevich
Managing Partner of Fashion Technology Accelerator, Milan

(I had get him in there somehow. Ha!)

I miss it. I want to get back… now! Arghhh!
Aphasia and stroke…I will beat you yet!

Jay Kim and Richard Min, Fashion Technology Accelerator Seoul

For reference
– Fashion Technology Accelerator (Silicon Valley, Milan and Seoul)
– Fashion Tech Accelerator, Seoul

I wanted to get to work soon… I’m impatient. Stroke and aphasia (Health… I never knew) is killing me. Fashion is moving hyper-fast and technology is making it that much better.

But that is just the thing, cycles move and they come. You can’t stop it.

Talks with Enrico gives me hope that the future is now… and later… who cares? Just keep on doing your thing, take your time, and we will be here. Relax. Just wait a year, or two… or whatever. We have two exits already, and Asia is just getting started. We are the first accelerator to move the needle and innovation is constantly coming. It’s not going anywhere. Change is the only thing that matters… and we got it (through the Fashion Technology Acceleration and Fashion Intelligence Ventures).

Huh. I didn’t realise that. Or I just forgot about it.

Thanks. I needed that.


Whew! That took me three day to write down … not bad (Aphasia! I’m coming after you!)

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min