Ep. #3: Stanley Oh (and Andrew Kim) Podcast

My first podcast interview one! Haha! (And I updated my profile.)

It is a interview with Stanley Oh (LinkedIn), he is a VC (Venture Capital) of Capital One Korea and Andrew Kim (LinkedIn), formerly Head of Oculus Korea (bought out by Facebook), and now he is a Startup Seoul, the Accelerator and Coworking. (Andrew Kim, you can check out his interview next time.)

This is about Stanley Oh. He talk about what led him to VC world, what he would do if not if a VC, blockchains, and a whole bunch of stuff.

It is 1 hour long. I normally set it up for 30 minutes long, but I’ve got two guests, so deal with it. LoL.


Here you go!

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min