Fast Fashion Gets Eco-Friendly, The Vegan Leather Boom

I want the fast-fashion to eco-friendly! Fashion tech and vegan. It’s a dream come true. haha.

Check out this article and see what you think.

Fast Fashion Gets Eco-Friendly, The Vegan Leather Boom

This week, Reformation leads the sustainable fast-fashion movement, while the vegan leather market anticipates a surge in popularity.

Reformation is Bringing Sustainable Fast Fashion Closer to Reality (Digiday)
“Sustainability, for Reformation, is a lot less focused on the message and more on what a holistic approach looks like — from reacting to how much inventory is needed, to how much water is used in the factory, to how much time and energy is used transporting goods.”

Innovations In Vegan ‘Leather’ Means Global Market Will Hit $85 Billion by 2025 (Plant Based News)
“Animal right laws in several countries have become a major hurdle for natural leather manufacturers. Growing awareness among consumers regarding animal killings mainly owing to the programs run by organizations such as PETA, PAWS & WWF has played a major role in increasing demand for other alternatives.”

Zara and H&M Back In-Store Recycling to Tackle Throwaway Culture (The Guardian)
“It’s part of the wider communication campaign to consumers to say – whether it’s re-wearable or not, whether it’s returned in store, to charity shops or textile banks – clothing can be recycled.”

Your Organic Cotton T-Shirt Might be Worse for the Environment Than Regular Cotton (Quartz)
“It will take about 290 gallons of water to grow enough conventional, high-yield cotton to produce a t-shirt. To grow the same amount of organic cotton for a t-shirt, requires about 660 gallons of water.”


Fashion tech and vegan… it’s coming, but slowly.

But it’s coming.


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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