Fasting and My Take On It

So, seriously. I have been go at it Fasting for a one year (roughly).


It’s because I’ve been WRITING IT DOWN.  

So, in order to scale it down, but I wrote a blog about it, so that way I can refer them to… here. 🙂


I fast every day.

It’s a mix of intermittent fasting and long-term fasting. Every week, month and year… and I plan on doing everyday… till I die. Not bad.

Because of whole food plant-based nutrients and, you guessed it, fasting… I feel healthy, athlete fit (that’s right, I will travel back in time, and challenge myself for NCAA Swimming Championship!) and feel great.    And I’ve have been my goal weight ever since my stroke. And I want to keep that way.

Whole food plant-based and Fasting have been really good for me.

So, nobody can tell me that I don’t plant-based nutrients and fasting, and it won’t work try get to eat. I am my own person. You can try yourself and it is amazing, but nobody is trying stop you. 

In fact, I feel bad for you!! Seriously. Plant-based food and fasting its a really great thing. You should try it.

It’s really amazing.

Benefits of Fasting

  • Detoxification
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • High cholesterol, diabetes and heart problem
  • Repair Cellular Damage
  • Weight Loss
  • Mental Clarity
  • Tumor Reduction (There is NO scientific evidence, hundred of stories… it doesn’t hurt.)
  • Etc.

Here is some references:

>> Health… I never knew!

>> Goals 2018… and beyond.

>> LIFE: What order do you put them in?

Here what I do for fasting:


Currently (and indefinitely)

  • I do short-term (intermittent) fasting everyday
  • I do long-term fast every Monday (24 – 48 hours)

I go to the farmers market on Tuesday. That’s why I picked Monday. 🙂 Then I’ll break the fast by eating healthy: Whole food plant-based diet (or plant-based diet, for example, when I am traveling or something). There is no schedule it was comes to fasting.

I don’t like the term “diet”. It’s always speaks of “weight loss”. I will up with an alternate for “diet”. I’ll come up with something. You have any ideas?

>> My diet: What order do you put them in?

PB (herein, whole plant-based/fruit diet):

* I eat twice day, occasionally, I eat late night snack.

* I eat once a day (full-day), 1 – 3 per month.

Here is the summary of what I have been doing (roughly), and two of my favorite doctors and nutritionist!

Alan Goldhamer…


Intermittent (Short-term) Fasting

  • I don’t eat breakfast.

I have doing for years, except for I have food stay up all night. (I was a bad boy. 🙁 ). But recently, I have been better (ever since my stroke) about my not-eat breakfast.

  • Anyway, I been eating 18 + 6 hours or 16 + 8 hours (roughly). Every once in while, just like normal (expect for 2 meals a day).

Here is a video what I do in a days (roughly).


So, I eat midday and dinner, and some kind of snack, like, sweet potatoes, nuts or cereal (oats, fruit and nuts), etc.


Long-term (or mid-term?) Fasting

Monday is Fasting day.

I usually to Sunday dinner and post-dinner snack and sleep.

Monday is fasting time. Yah!!

And Tuesday is whenever-I-want-to, but it usually falls around midday meals.

That’s a wrap!


YouTube Videos

I used this video to get me started.

Dr. Clapper (who is also my favorite doctor)…


Fasting and Longevity

Not Just Food and Movement

Autophagy (literally “self-eating”), and it’s the body’s system of cleaning house: Your cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells; gobble them up; strip ’em for parts; and use the resulting molecules for energy or to make new cell parts.

“makes us more efficient machines to get rid of faulty parts, stop cancerous growths, and stop metabolic dysfunction like obesity and diabetes.”

To sum it up, autophagy is key to slowing the aging process And you can learn how to do it better.

Fasting for 24 hours improved autophagy by 300% and 48 hours can improve autophagy by extra 30% (330%).

Autophagy, fasting, and longevity is a great thing. 🙂

Long-term Fast (Seriously long-freaking-term fast.)

I do this one day after my stroke is gone (and continue it for my life, once a year or once every 2 years… I don’t yet).

A 30 -40 days fast! 🙂

True Health is one example.


I like it! Next time.

>My diet: LIFE: What order do you put them in?


fasting 1

My Take on Fasting

I do it for health. Remember that?

It resets my body.

And I have get the core if I want this stroke over! So, I did fasting for my stroke starting out, originally, but I really like it. (See? That is the same as my stroke.)

I need for my stroke, and then whole food plant-based nutrients came around, and working out, and meditation and sleep, and longevity and finally, FASTING.

… and I really like it!

Health (in order of importance).

  1. Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition
  2. Physical Therapy / Working out
  3. Sleep (Sleep is the factor I’m missing… RowR!!!!! I got to work on that.)
  4. Mediate (4 through 5 is interchangeable)
  5. Longevity
  6. Fasting

That’s the order I picked it. Go crazy with it, but long as you pick it as long as picked that one: Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrients as your first.

*Fasting Warning* You can not outwork a bad diet. Remember that. Get your diet in check first and then worry about having a good workout or fasting or any one of those things. Fix your diet! 


Fasting is good.

It’s been done for hundreds (thousands?) of years. We just have science to backed it up.

“Plants and Fasting”, that what someone to told me to call it.

I like it.

Plants and Fasting signing out.

< end >

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min