First Facebook Korea Developers Meetup: Recap! (That was a long time ago.)

Woah! That taking us back! Maan, I don’t know what day is it …but sometime in 2011?
Seoul Space rocks!

Here was the first article I wrote. 🙂
Who hosted the first “Korea Facebook Developers Meetup” in Korea? Seoul Space! We were proud to have Facebook Korea ask us to help with their first event in Asia to reach out to the Korean developers community.

facebook seoulspace developers meetup image

On July 12th, 2011 the Korea Facebook team (Dyne Lee, Growth Manager Korea, and Gyyoung Kim, Partner Engineer) invited over 100 developers to explain the Facebook Developers API and to answer audience questions.

The night opened introducing Seoul Space as the premier incubator in Korea, showing the developers that there is a place where they can pursue their own startup ventures.  This was followed by the presentation from the Facebook team. The presentation was a 30-minute, detailed overview introducing their API and future platform plans for Korea.

We also got to see an live demonstration by the agency that created the successful viral Facebook app that combined profile pictures with a Neutrogena commercial.  You might have seen it, but if not, check it out for yourself here.

facebook seoulspace first developers meetup image
The event finished with a Q&A session with Gyyoung- the audience was very engaged and had a lot of in-depth questions.  Anyone who stuck around after the Q&A session had a chance to meet the Korea Facebook team in person.  Also, did we mention that there was great food and Facebook swag (pens, t-shirts, stickers, hats, etc.)?!

Overall, the feedback from attendees as well as Dyne and Gyyoung was extremely positive. Everyone had a great time and it was a milestone event for both Seoul Space and Facebook.

Be sure to keep an eye out, as we are excited to see Facebook’s continued growth and engagement in Korea!

[PS: Sorry for the late post on this event… but better late then never. ^^]

See the full gallery on Seoul Space Flickr

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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