“First” in terms of startup stuff in Korea. I have a lot of them.

Korea Innovation and Startups

It is a thing. A really big thing. I have a place in it.

First in its formation… and it doesn’t stop there. And this time, and I’m doing it right. No freaking “too early” for Korea. It’s the peak time in a Korea (and Asia).

  • 1st (or 2nd?) Coworking place in Korea: Seoul Space
  • 1st Facebook Event in Korea


  • 1st Twitter Event in Korea


  • 1st Korea to get into Y Combinator: MemeBox (Startup Battle Korea) and Miso (Advisor)
  • 1st Korea to get into 500 Startups: Shakr (Advisor) and Cream (Advisor)
  • 1st Uber to sign a Partnership
  • 1st Evernote Event(s)
  • 1st TWiST in Korea (This Week In Startups with Jason Calacanis) — 2 years
  • 1st Startup Battle Korea (Three years. I should bring this back.) Memebox went to Y Combinator, the top startup accelerator in the world.


  • 1st in the Hello Kitty in mobile game format (iPhone and Android) under 1st ever, Sanrio Digital
  • 1st Pioneers (Austria) Event in Korea
  • 1st +822 (Plus Eight Two Two)… one day, I will do this (after my stroke)!
  • (Plant-based Korea? hmmmm…)

… and much more. I can’t think of it right now.

Someday (after stroke and aphasia), I will continue do this.

It’s a promise!

Although it’s not the first, I am involved with Startup Seoul and others (it’s a secret!), Korea startup ecosystem is here and it’s not going away.


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Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min