Food had no flavor. None.

What do you do if you had no taste?

I’m actually serious.

We always talk food as we are abundant and what do we choose, like,
“Hamburger or Kakkbi (it’s a Korean bbq)… or do I take that salad. ”

Never do we talk about the absence of flavor.
(or smell. “That smells so good!)

I was thinking about it…

What happens if “Food has no flavor. None.”

A smell of foods asking you to come get it, or think about that chocolate you been dying to have, or that “What is for lunch?”, etc… Taste is definitely one of the 5 senses. Definitely.

What happens if you lost of your flavor?

  • Would you go out more piling in the junk food? (or)
  • Assuming you had nutritional value, would live healthy and strong go for longevity by eating …what? (or)
  • Would you overeat? (or)
  • Would vanity take over? (or)
  • World health/animal agriculture [world] or stick to the number 1: Me [self] (or)
  • Stick meats/chicken/fish or the whole food plant-based diet? (or)
  • I just don’t care, I am smoker and drink, longevity means nothing to me, and want to die horrible death!!! (I’m kidding! Relaaxx. Shheeeesh!)

I want to know. Really.

Would feed to your children if your had no taste? (Assuming you care for your children).

Would you go healthy or not healthy if you didn’t have flavor?

Me and what would  I do?

I had a stroke (high blood pressure) and I want to beat this at its core.

Food becomes the number one thing (taste means nothing). I will figure out that taste later. I want to get moving on the stroke.

… AND it was the food all along!

So, I BUILT IT FROM THE GROUND UP (food). I didn’t have taste. I choose to ignore it. And that why, ultimately, I chose that ~

Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle (which it taste great, by the way).

I want to get over this stroke (and aphasia) that bad.

To those who don’t me and Plant-based style:

** To all the naysayer out their: “SCIENCE.” That’s what I have to say against that.

“Nope, it’s wrong! I know that.”, “It was from _________, media, journalists and news channels.”,  “I heard it from Mrs. Goldstein and Mr. Park. One is a doctor!”

BUT no backed-up data. Back it up with 10,000s peer-reviewed articles and research papers, like this one,

> A way to reverse CAD? (PubMed. /US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health)

> A plant-based diet and coronary artery disease: a mandate for effective therapy (PubMed. /US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health)

reversal of coronary disease

“You can REVERSE coronary artery disease with plant-based diet?”


No other whole food plant-based nutrients can do the same.

That should be the question that everybody has:

Can the diet reverse a heart disease?
(The number 1 killer of death in USA.)

You can’t get past that, you should be the conversation. Go back and read.


** And here are my doctors: My Top 11 Doctors and not-doctors who got it right.

** Worlds Top Doctors Experts Explain Scientific Proven Benefits of a Whole Food Plant-based Diet

** I’ve got four reasons that I am a Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle AND I feel great…tastewise and healthwise: (Still working on the stroke. RowrR!!!:) )

    • I do it for my Mom (she had pancreatic cancer.) AND it didn’t come from “loads-of-reasons”. It came from the FOOD.
    • Health: that’s why I started this topic. I have stroke and Mom died… and it was about the FOOD.
    • Science-based and real hard data. Media, news and newspaper, it all means nothing with proof by peer-review science.
    • Animal agriculture is the bonus. I was thinking about it, and I came with something, “One thing that you would pick for changing the world?” Climate controls, water, travel industry, cancer donations, electric cars, birding stuff, etc … What would you choose?  I choose Animal Agriculture. (Basically, beef/chicken,fish/milk/eggs… stuff that has a face… is no good.)

That 4 good reasons, especially Mom, and you can to the bank and come with your own answers.

>> You can about read about it over here: Health… I never knew

What is this ‘taste’ things anyways?

Taste has everything. I didn’t know, it has … EVERYTHING.

Three meals based on that food thing. From deciding what you want in a restaurant, cooking shows, starving, deciding what to eat for a snack, TV commercial and internet ad shows, hunger, etc. Besides air and water, taste is right in there.

If you didn’t taste, all that would be gone.

I never knew what is big effect it has effect on our economy and life as it does. Food is the source of all that happiness and chaos. I always thought it was a throw away, “Let this eat this and let me get to the REAL important stuff.”

One of the traditional five senses: Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell, and TASTE. It is one of the 7 deadly sins (if you believe that stuff): “Obesity” is one of those. I always figured it was the least important one, but now I see it as one of a most important one… well, equally as important.  LoL

>> What is a “sense”?
You can go on if you want to: temperatures, kinesthetic sense, pain, balance, vibration, various others senses, like, the sense of hunger and sense of thirst. I meditate around those! (5 senses and 5 external senses. Ha! )

Why do you think they are so obese in USA? (I too was a obese. Yeah, I was obese.) Your kids will be more obese than you. Look it up.

Adult Obesity in the United States (1990-2017)

adult-obesity-2017.png(Obesity in the USA: 1990 – 2017) / Obesity Facts “The adult obesity rate was at or above 35% in seven states and at least 30% in 29 states. West Virginia has the highest adult obesity rate at 38.1% and Colorado has the lowest at 22.6%.” <— holy cr@p!!

And the trend is still raising in normal people (“Got to control that fat!”), to athletes (“When do you eat protein?”), to models and fitness coach (“Got to control the carbo load.”), and, get this, to the children. Yes, the children!

[We spend too much on food – environmental destruction, waste products, and animal agriculture, etc. We’ll take this up another time. 🙂 ]

Adults and Children

Adults. We don’t need to talk about them. It’s been play(ed) out. Deal with it in anyway you want. Addiction is what we have to food. NO DOUBT. I said my piece, and it will play out in so many directions. I’ll stick with me and you stick with you. I don’t care.

But here is the video that should get you through the day:


it’s the children.

What will change if we had no flavor? I was talking to a friend and occured to me: Children (kids). Seriously. It’s always about the child.

Assuming you had food that has no flavor:

I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have a steak or the kabbi (Korea style bbq)!


Would you trade that steak/kabbi in for your child?


Point taken.

  • Would you go around about meat/fish like usual or whole food plant-based diet?
  • Superfoods or would give her/his junk foods?

“I” vs the “child”? I will choose the children all the time. HEALTHY children.

The West (USA west) is taking over for food. And it is not good.

The future is coming. Which side will you be on (as an adult)?

I have no taste, I get it, what would I do?? Really! 

I would stick to the amount I’m eating right now (Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle), and the occasional fasting.

I would get this: — >> Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen app (It is FREE!)

I would try to take my taste back. haha! (kidding!)


I’m in it for longevity and healthiness (I’ll will have superfoods) and strong until I die… about 300 years old from birth to death (and legacy thrown in there). That is 300 years old. Live with it.

That is it.

What do you think about it?
No flavor and you must choose a food.

I’m waiting. 🙂

Food for thought.
(That was literal analogy. Ha.)

< end >


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 201 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min