George and James. A fine afternoon.

I met with George Boucher. He is Founder at B2HU-Korea is re-educational academy (or something) he is developing. Former Lecturer at 연세대학교 (Yonsei University), he has an idea and I say go for it. We talked for hours. He on his new ideas and me going on me – well,  stroke/aphasia me – and my stuff.  🙂

James Chung stopped in to say, “Hi” and hang out. He exciting stuff… it can’t tell you, but it really … exciting stuff. Ha!

He has founded in Reload Studios is a brand new independent game development studio made up of some of the most talented people from the entertainment industry. Next James is the Founder of ROQOVAN, the hush-hush studio that we have talked about. He is the arts of “Call of Duty” franchise and Art Director for Electronic Arts (EA)… basically, he is a badass and a sweet guy. Ha!


I got to get out and move about, and met with a new friend and old friend. A fine afternoon.


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min