Goals 2018… and beyond.

I wanted do this for a while and I kinda go over in my Health… I never knew!

I want do it myself, but you can read on yourself — it is a good goal (internal). I wanna check in 6 months in, but I want to set it up clearly and solidly.

Goals 2018


Stroke and aphasia.

That will number one (#1). It should be next couple of years. (Years!) Slowly, but getting better. SLOWLY. Physical therapy, working out, walking, language class… that will be tough. Patience. Hard. Impatient…


That is all I have to say… Fiigghhttttttiinnngg!!!!

white and black puppy
Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com


Here is a rough one. I’m working on it. All nighter is what is I am used to. You know the joke: “Work”, “Go out”, and “Sleep”. You have to pick two (2). I generally picked “work”, “go out” and who cares about “sleep”. F#ck having “sleep”! Maan, was I wrong on that one. 🙁

    I got the mornings down, but night time… I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m get closer, but … I don’t know.
    Mornings: I hover around 6:15 am (between 5:00 am – 7:30 am). Yeh! That is heck of a lots better wake at… 9:30 am (roughly).
    Night time: It ranges from 1:00 am to… I don’t know, usually between 3:00 am(?) to all night.


    Average time total: 1:00 am – 6:00 am (???)
    Daam! I gotta fix that. I’ve got to get score up!

Fasting (Intermediate fasting and long-term fasting.)

Fasting is a new thing. I generally fast around Monday. It switch it around a lot, but you can saw fast Monday for 1 – 2 days (18 hours – 48 hours). 2 meals a day (sometime 3).

It took me while to get the hang of it, but it’s been a year now and I feel good. Really good. I will keep this up. All I have to maintain it and it is smooth sailing.


Mornings. Sometimes at night. Breathing, senses, micro/macro and a whole bunch of stuff around what I got do for the day. That’s take around 20 – 30 minutes. Night time… I’m working on it.


I will live to 150+ years old. You watch. I will live to 150 years old!! Well, at least to 100 years old. No problem. But a 150 year old is my goal.

agriculture biology blur close up
Photo by Les comptoirs mitoyens on Pexels.com

Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle. (Well, that can be internal/external. I’ll put here for now.)

I have gone over this a ton. Research, data and paper and videos and voice and social media… I’ve done it all. I’m still going at it.

I got to get over this from bottom up. I’ll hit it at its core. It’s the only way. 

Whole food plant-based diet is the one I’m choosing. I’m open to hear some research and data, and I am an open book (stroke is main reason I am here). So, unless you got competing research and data, I don’t need to hear it.

I am only here for the stroke (aphasia). That’s it.

It’s been a life saver. Taking of this food shoving it in — broccoli, sprouts, kale, spinach, blueberries, beans, walnuts, flax seeds, etc. — and I was full! Next, comes taste. I spent 4 – 6 months on this taste (and I still don’t have it down)… and love it (after 6 months. Ha.).

All the other is the bonus, but “huge” bonus.

Energy is up, longevity, whole plant-based food (hundreds of studies), food is plentiful (Daily Dozen app), it’s good for environment, and it helps my Mom.

I’m still “outside-in” in terms of taste (stranger looking outside, but in terms of beef, chicken, fish and dairy, and by extension, neither here, Korea, nor there, USA). Hey,  I was supposed to be outside-in guy and taking on Asia is a good thing. I reveal in the experience. Here I come, Richard takes on Korea… and the Asian world… and the rest of the world. Ha!

You can find out here: Health… I never knew!

Now, you can set up it your goals (outside of the stroke/aphasia ones), but this is pretty helpful. You should try of yourself.


Innovation and Startup.

The standard. What can I say? It’s what I do… for work, for fun. I can’t hand help it. I like it too much. 🙂

The future is bright.


That is a new one, but old one.

New one: I will start this year and continuing for years and years.

Old one: It been going on in my head ever since I can remember it. It started with college radio (WBOR at Bowdoin College. Yahhh!), and TBS radio in Korea (Startups, Yahhh!) and yes, I have been thinking about it constantly… and what the heck, I will do it.

black recordering microphone

  • Do it for aphasia. I will warn you. Aphasia is tough… and tough to get the words out and confusion. I’ll get better, but you have been warned.
  • Do it because there is no voices out there talking about Asia perspective in terms of startups, big businesses, movies and music, fashion, celebrities, millionaires/billionaires, angels/VCs, media and friends to just hang with, etc.. I will cover it all! And I’ve got a huge network. 🙂
  • Do it because it will be fun… and just to do it. That’s it.


What does the future hold for me?

Legacy. That’s what I came with.

I want to tell (from the grave) grand, grand, grand, grand, grand grandfather… I am made Min family something. I don’t know what to do, but I will do something. I want to help the future generation create impact.

150 years old. That a lifetime a way. I got plenty of time.

  • Micro: Innovations and now! Now! I mean, NOW!!!
  • Macro: Have patience and relax. I feel f#ckin great. NCAA Swimming Championship Captain back when I was in college and I never felt that way before. Maan, 200 meter IM… I want that. Oh wait-a-second, Triathlon, haha! I’m coming for you! I give you a 100 years. I’ll make it one of these years! Heh. ^_^;;;  🙂 😉
photo of solar system
Photo by Jacub Gomez on Pexels.com

One of my colleagues asked me if Tesla will be around due to this… whatever (I don’t even remember what it is)… NOW.

Now? I laughed.

Let me ask you something. “Yes” and “No”. Should Tesla be around in 50 years? Will Tesla, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Alibala, Snapchat, Amazon be around 15 years? 50 years? 100 years? and what about 500 years from now?

VC don’t look beyond 5 – 10 years. Korea VC 3 – 5 years. Some do 10 years and 100+ years (Japanese think like this). You aren’t play the game if you are thinking 2 – 3 years down to sell/IPO your company. And you are thinking about “now”? That’s amazing to me. You’re thinking it all wrong. Micro and macro. Don’t take the micro for the macro.

It’s about Legacy.

The Min families are recognized as a family with one of the most respected, high noble lines of ancestry in Korea and is still very respected family in the modern Korea. And the Shin family is not that bad in itself! ( Founding Chairman, Captain Shin Yong-Wook (신용욱) of Korean National Airlines)

I want to something right now. “Now” as it will take years and decades, centuries(?) to complete, but I am to start now. I don’t know how long it will be until want to be remembered – and it can fade away – at least, my history as the one who made this was what it today, or the future… I don’t know… but I will be remembered as the one who got the family got us on the right pass together.

  • The Min Foundation. Whatever. I want to do it. (Korea and USA)
  • Future of Korea, USA, and Asia and the rest of world unwound. (The World)
  • And to the rest of the world? The people? The animals? Environment? Mars?  I’m open for suggestions. (The Planet and Beyond)


That my goal for 2018.

I’m already nearly half there… and it’s hard. I got to get over this stroke/aphasia, but I am healthier, so there is that.

That’s my mission, history books, the future, the whole works…

Richard D. Min. Grit unlimited.

I don’t how (and I have some ideas in action already) or if it’s possible, but let’s do it. Anything. Just do it (daam, I didn’t want to be a Nike quote) and will start as well.

Let do it together!

(Ah! That is better. ^-^)




Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min