Goals 2019

I have going my a month a now and I finally got it (mostly): My goals for 2019.


Daily habit or rote regurgitating every-goddaam-day.

That’s right. Everyday!

I’ll check that one out on the years end.

I have going my a month a now and I finally got it (mostly): My goals for 2019.

Goals 2019 (1)


One day a week, I will take off birding, usually on the weekday. (I’m trying this out as soon as got my binoculars back from the shop)

(Marshall and I birding adventure. Coming soon!))

I bird with these guys…

swarovski binoculars.jpg

Yah, Marshall got me into it. Birding is bad ass.

Yup, you it heard here first.

Birding is bad @ss, kick @ss and long as it has “bad @ss” after it.

MORNINGS (I do this every morning without fail.)

  • I wake up around 04:30–06:00 am.
  • Physical Therapy and Workout (1–3 hours)
  • An example (among others):

Notice: I don’t do anything (well, mostly nothing) with my right hand/right leg (right side of body)… and I’m getting there!!

  • Meditate (20–30 minutes)
  • Feed the fish (15 min — 1 hour. Yes, that is 1 hour or more. Believe it. I like the fish and give me a workout as well.)
  • Gardening (water the plants and workout). See? Workout. I always do a workout.


I have 3 of those aquarium total and did you see? Aquaponics! Haha.

  • Hibiscus Tea or Green Tea, or water, just plain old water, on the day that I fast (once a week, Monday)

(I switch these 4 things around.)

  • Read children books to the mobile phones. Daily!
  • Electronic Stimulation for my right arm. (30 min)
  • I do 10 – 30 minutes of work every morning, often more.
  • The rest of the time I worked out — outside. 2 – 5 days (that a big spread, I know that), 1 hours to X amount of hours.
  • Monday is the talk with Enrico Beltramini, former executive and a board member at Gucci (Milan and New York).
  • Tuesdays I have Joshua Konowe and Michael Sungwoo Yang (양성우) for aphasia and just to talk about stuff. But I don’t know scheduling for different person aphasia one yet. S/he is rearranging her schedule out. But do have the schedule.

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama


Physical Therapy (Outside). I go to Cha Hospital Physical Therapy. (3 days, now 2 days)






– StartupSeoul.com

I work here! And will keep going…

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StartupSeoul, ready to rock!

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– Legacy: RichardMinShop.com (It’s begun. Get your stuff here.) Startups and Mentorships

– ProVeg Mentor. I started that year (and I know a lot people in Europe and Germany), but I continue that this year. Publicly.

>>> ProVeg Incubator

– Podcast. Monday — Wednesday? I haven’t decided yet. And I will keep going.

– Bunch of stuff I don’t care of mention as of yet. I do mean, “yet”! It will be coming.



– Triathlon or anything that get my body moving, like, martial arts, dancing, etc.

…and that it!


I went over these before over here: My 2018 Year in Review

< end >

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min