Harnessing The Power of Neuroplasticity (World Science Festival)

Interesting! (the attached video)

I was told from the neurologist (that’s the Dr. of neurology at one of the most prestigious hospital!!!) that I would be too late for neuroplasticity. One point five years (1.5) after stroke, it will have no effect.

Huh. -_-;;

Something we have a different opinions on.

I’m an “Yes”, the brain can certainly rewire… the brain.

It’s is the new god when it comes to my stroke and aphasia. I can not think of staying the same. I have to have a goal in mind to get out of this stage.

Goal = Neuroplasticity (for my stroke and aphasia.)

This just proves it:


46:35 – 47:21 (This is the parts want to listen to, Neuroplasticity is the bomb. It’s quite interesting.)

“But the idea that there’s actually more plasticity in our adult brain that we can tap into, to me is really exciting because you could say that even if there are some downsides, that after a stroke or damage to the brain, wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were possible then to tap into that latent extra plasticity, even briefly, and combine it with training and physical therapy.

So, somehow a pill that would let me speak French without an accent could actually have a really important therapeutic value, which be to really help people recovery from brain damage.”

– Chair the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. She’s a professor of Biology and Neurobiology at Standard University, the world’s foremost neurosciences, Carla Shatz.

Ah ha! Suck it, Dr (What’s-his-name-again)!

And this is the proof: (I redid this one, just… because.)


“The really good news for stroke survivors, it’s never too late. I’ve worked with people 10, 20, 30 years post that can rewire the brain.” – Kari Dunning

Rework the brain. The brain is a very powerful tool. I can’t believe that this was it. The mind in its wisdom and smartz (hah) is a terrible to waste away.

It can take me a month, one years and ten+ years…. and I’m going to get over you stroke and aphasia.

Fiigghtttinngg!!! Rrrrooowwrrr!!!!


< end >


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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