Health… I never knew!

[Blog / Internal]

Health… I never knew how important it was to me. Yah, that was so obvious to other people… but not so obvious to me.

(*It took two weeks to write this blog post. Aphasia, caused by stroke, I blame you!*)

I had been doing everything wrong about health. I can tell you, it has got to me on path to


Ari Raz: Hey Richard! Does that last sentence in your bio reflect a diet change or something else?

Richard Min:  Oh yah it does! I completely changed my diet because of my stroke!

Four reasons I due it for my stroke:

– Health.

I had a REALLY bad stroke. Tech, entrepreneurship, accelerators, VCs and angel… that’s what I knew. Not a single bit of ‘health’.

Stroke is really deadly, serious stuff. High-blood pressure. That was it. I was caught in Korea, hospitalized, and I didn’t wake up for two weeks (I was in a coma!), and three months spent in hospital. The others around me should be preparing for my death. Death!! I had it bad.

I want to be as healthy as possible in order to beat my stroke.

Stroke (and it caused my aphasia) is super hard. For me, I want to go at it as hard as I can. Research and data was convincing and undoubtedly solid – literally, hundreds of thousands of research papers on it. I’m still doing research… it never stops. But I read enough (much like smoking causes cancer). That’s why I went on a whole food plant-based diet.

I want to beat this at its core.

Food becomes the number one thing (taste means nothing)… and it was the food all along! (Diet is the main cause of the stroke.)

97% of disease are all curable! (Dr. John Bergman)

(If I just realized earlier, it was the food! I worked too hard and partied too much, and I didn’t listen to my doctor. Dang you, Korea!! AArrgghh! 🙁 Yea, I know it’s all my fault. Let me have my peace, then we will go back to it being my fault.)

Nevertheless, I don’t eat:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Dairy (eggs, milk, etc)
  • Fish (anything from the water: clans, crabs, lobsters, etc.)
  • Oil
  • Junk food

“Addiction” that’s what I had.  (And you got it, too. “Gluttony”, “Comfort foods”, “I want to eat proteins”, “I want to eat that!” (as opposed to “need to eat that”), etc. It’s all the same thing. Taste vs. Nutrition. I choose nutrition.

Number one thing use your health:

The only diet that real works – totalistically and completely – across different age group, across different society, for the most number of years is a eating on the whole food plant-based diet. Period.
(Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD. Author of “The China Study”)

I’m open ears, but now I’m sticking with this…
and nevertheless, I feel fantastic!

– Science-based and real hard data.

Asian and Western, I don’t care. Good old hard facts, evidence-based clinical trials and documents. Give me the facts.

Now I have an abundance of irrefutable scientific data in the literal confirmation that whole food plant-based diet is ideal for optimal health.

No hard evidence, no go.

Got it? Good.

– I do it for my Mom.

My Mom and Dad 🙂

She passed away right after I had stroke (pancreatic cancer). I do it for her.

No one in my family (and family friends) is a doctor and nutritionist. It was surprising. So, I had to go in it (doctor, nutritionist, alternate medicine, etc.). It was – is – necessity. I’ll show them how to be healthier, and happier, by a whole food plant-based diet.

It’s too late for my mom, and not too late with me, and if I take advantage of what I have now learned, then perhaps families will be able to stay around a little longer.

I’m looking you at you, Dad!

– Animal Agriculture is the bonus.

‎I always loved animals and was a nature nut, but the environment was the key. I need to eat to survive. Boy, was I wrong. It was all of them!

Since grade school, my uncle showed me the way with his animals, marine life, bugs and bird life and environment… and I caught on: I am avid birder, I nearly study through college Marine Biology, I kept pets all the time, I donated Nature Society, Conservation Society and Audobon Society and lived outside.

It all made sense.

A global shift towards a plant-based diet is vital to the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impact of climate change. (United Nations /UNEP 2010)

The US rank declined between 1990 and 2010 to 27th or 28th of the 34 OECD countries. South Korea and Slovenia have mortality rate than those in the US. Most death is the US are preventable and related to nutrition. (The State of US Health 1990-2010, Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors.)

Plant-based diet are the nutritional equivalent of quitting smoking.
(World Health Organization)

Approximately 70% of deaths the Western world are due to chronic disease that are essentially induced by the lifestyle “norm” of our culture. An estimated 90% of Type 2 diabetes, 80-90% of heart disease and 50-70% of cancer are considered entirely preventable. (“Folk Over Knifes” Documentary)

Kim William, M.D., President of the American of College of Cardiology (he is a plant-based foods): “I don’t mind dying,” he says “I just don’t want it to be my fault.”

and more…

I’ve been going whole food plant-based health for 1.5 three (3) years ever since my stroke… until I die.

AANNNDD I feel fantastic!

…which is why I learned cooking. 😜😉

and that how I got into whole food plant-based health (for my stroke, originally, but I like it)!

Dr. Greger M.D. is “the Man” ( and he has a talk at Google. Kale two birds, one stone.

Dr. Michael Greger: “How Not To Die” | Talks at Google

  • Daily Dozen app. It is got what you need to eat. It is FREE, non-commercial, nonprofit, science-based public service, and videos, and Dr. Greger has approved. Yay!)

* US and European: 5 – 10 years until we can see results.
* Asians: 10 – 15 years until we can see results.

Health, Work and Life Stuff

80% health (physical therapy/working out/research and data)
10% work
10% whatever

That is my current trajectory. Slowly, but surely. (I’m working on it!)

– Stroke (and Aphasia)
– Whole Food Plant-Based Diet/Nutritionist (that is the base)
– Fasting (intermittent fasting and long-term fasting)
– Longevity (I’m going to live past 100+ years old! Check out the BlueZones)
– Mediate
– Sleep

– Innovation and Startups
– and etc. I’m going back to the beginning: website, and friends website, and bunch little things
– Sshh! It’s a secret!

– Aquaponic/Aquarium/Garden
– Dogs and cats (someday)

Future Goals

– Triathlon!! (Yes, I will make it!)
– Freerunning/Movement
– Martial Arts
– Birding

Who knows?
I just keep on health watch and see what happens.

I will DOCUMENT my life, not create/highlight.

(I should get some proper tools – camera (not the mobile phone), GoPro, sound device, etc. I’ll let you know when I get them.)

Yeah, document. That is a good idea.

(I say it in alternate Posts. I repeat things I said, but you get the idea. It’s a thing with aphasia. I can’t help it).
– Progress (Health),
– My Health (Rough Draft),
– Dr. X – Whole Plant-Based Foods,
– Animal Agriculture (Rough Draft)

Here are the follow-ups:
– Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet
– Health… I never knew.

I’ll do it next time.

BlueZones <— Check it out!


[I am experimenting! Blog and Site Pages… What is hell is the difference? I do under Site Pages: Health… I never knew!]

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min