High Blood Pressure, Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition and Me.


No heart attack today… or stroke, in my case. 😀

Notice: My case was blood pressure was high. I don’t know how high it was (I ask my doctor), but it was beyond high. That was threw me in to this stroke and aphasia.

[ Check up my blog: Health… I never knew ]

Not bad. 🙂 (post-stroke)

BEFORE the medication…


Post-stroke: My record for that is 98/65. Oh yea!! 🙂 I want to 100/65.

I want to stop that – taking the pill (it is for post stroke relapse) . The neurologist says, “No. I have take it the rest of my life.”

The rest of my life?

You gotta be kidding me. No, I won’t accept that. I’ll go find a different doctor. (He eats meat and dairy [from now on I will say, “meat” in term of “meat, chicken, and fish”].) That drug that does say, “No known cure”. No one cure?? < shiver >

Now I want to take it (for the meantime). I don’t want to deal with brain damage. He is right in a regard.

But I don’t want deal with any “You have take it the rest of your life” action.

He is wrong in this regard. Dead wrong.

She said it right…

“What if the brain could rewiring? The neurons could rewiring around the block pathways.”

I’ll find a new doctor.

Check out my thing on Neuroplasticity.
Longevity and
Health… I never knew!

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min