[Interview Richard Min Show] CEO of Tinysponsor, Mike Prasad 😎[ENG]

Richard Min Show (Podcast) with Mike Prasad, a new Mentor at Startup Seoul and CEO of Tinysponsor. Hear his recent rise in the food and influencer business.

스타트업 서울의 뉴 멘토이자 Tinysponsor의 CEO인 Mike Prasad 와 Richard D. Min 이 만났습니다.
푸드와 인플루언서 사업에서 승승장구하고 있는 그의 근황에 대하여 들어보세요.

Interview by Richard Min, Founder and Executive Partner of Startup Seoul
(I suffer from stroke and aphasia, but I am getting better!)

Interview with Mike Prasad

#StartupSeoul #Tinysponsor #mentor #interview


Just to hear my regular voice:

(Aphasia!!! I will get you!!!!!#%#%^$##!!)

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 201 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min