John Lagerling and me!

Old Friends

It’s good to have old friends and that bonding moment. Yes, everyone, women and men, have had that moment. We have been hanging out for years ever since the Google days, but we have a close friends ever since. We hung out while and had some old talks and new talks and stuff.

It was a blast!

John Lagerling Career

He had a good job at the Google, and left for Facebook and then he left it for Mercari, so was like “Huh?” and then found out that he was to head up some things like CEO of the US… and there was the IPO.

Ah! That’ll make more sense. Haha!

Check it out: >>> John Lagerling LinkedIn

Impressive, most impressive.

He has been going around translation work stuff (not as the main job. He is the CEO of Mercari, USA. Duh!) from Swedish, English, Japanese (he’s fluent in Japanese!), and he is picking up Korean. He is a multilingual and travel around the world.

Perfect for his job, and a more perfect for me!! Perfect around my aphasia. Hah!


You know, Dad said the same thing.

I say, “What’s the right ‘word’? I can’t think of it!!” John and my Dad said that learning a new language is the same thing. (Mostly. Aphasia is a little different, but you get the point.) John had more experience with it — him being a linguist and all.

That’s the second time I felt — relief. That is what I would think of. Relief. Ron Cahoon (he was the first one felt relief with!) and John… oh maan, that was a load off one’s mind.

No, I’m serious! Two guys, that is all. Nearly 2.5 years and that was it. You see, aphasia gets to you.

‘Medium’ is a blog — and I don’t know what I would do for it. I always wondered “What can I do with ‘Medium’?” and John had a good idea. I’ll fix my mistakes and then other people will tracks my progress for my aphasia.

That is a hella good idea! AND that what I am tracking right now. Ha.

Startups and Asia

It is a thing. A really big thing. And John and me have our place in it. First in its formation… and it doesn’t stop there. And this time, and I’m doing it right. No freaking “too early” for Korea. It’s the peak time in a Korea (and Asia).

  • 1st Startup Accelerator in Korea: Seoul Space (still running today)
  • 1st (or 2nd?) Coworking place: Seoul Space
  • 1st TWiST in Korea (This Week In Startups with Jason Calacanis) — 2 years

… and much more. I can’t think of it right now.

Someday (after stroke and aphasia), I will continue do this.

It a promise!

Startup Battle Korea 2012

That was in 2012! I still have it. 🙂

(Me and John!)

It’s a Secret. (Well, not anymore!)

I meant to launch that during the holidays, but oh well. I’ll launch it now-ish. I was farther along than he expected for website, which was good. Hah. (That’s the one that “secreted”a long to ago. Under “Careers”: Health… I never knew). I got to pitch him the idea, “What about doing it among friends.”

…and he liked it!

The fact I sell stuff from me and my people to sell stuff for a charity and other stuff (NOT, the new, NEW site! Richard Min Shop .com). In fact, that was the first friend I got to:  >> RichardMinShop: John Lagerling!! Hah!

Here is my About page which sums everything up: >>About Me: Richard Min. Any day now I will unleash it (“Soft Launch”/Beta version).

I like the fact is it mine, and friends will… nevermind, I’ll just you when it done. LoL

I want it for legacy, and a long haul (businesswise) and just for fun. 🙂


All and all, John and me had a great time! And we will continue to have a good time years from now.

Not the End.



  • Stroke and Aphasia. I have both of them (I’m getting better!).
  • 15 hours (including right here) to write that.
  • 55% aphasia / 45% rough draft
  • left handed to type that (I’m working on it!)

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min