Korea Startup Festival 2017

I was responsible for 10 speaking positions. Easy-peasy. Those are my friends! Haha

Korea Startup Festival 2017

DATE: Nov.30 (Thu) – Dec.2(Sat) 2017, 3 days

* Networking Party : Nov.29 (WED) & 30 (Thu)

LOCATION: COEX Hall B, Seoul, Korea

HOSTED by: Ministry of SMEs and Startups

ORGANIZED by: 500VOLT TWO Inc, Brandcook, Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity, Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development, Korea Venture Business Association, Korea Foundation for Cooperation of Large & Small Business, Rural Affairs,Korea Business Incubation Association, Korean Venture Capital Market

EXHIBITORS: 70 Speakers, 49 Media, 45 VCs, 550 Startups
CONTACT: Kor T. 02-6214-0010, email: startupfestival@500v2.co.kr
Int T. 82-2-6214-0011, email: startupfestival@500v2.co.kr

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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