LIFE: What order do you put them in?

I noticed around, that people are saying this wrong (“Health” related).

Besides “Happiness”…

Health is number one. No question.

At least for me. Hmm…no, health is number one. Ha.

[Unless you are in a war, and you have to some people and you say “Save yourselves!!” and you sacrifice yourself by putting on the bomb or whatever on yourself, for example. But let’s assume that isn’t case.]

I do not want to rank them, I want to put them in ORDER:

Foods, fasting, sleep, exercise, etc.

What order do you put it in?

  1. Food – (Whole food plant-based nutrition has the optimum, ideal diet.) LOCKED. Dare me (I want research and studies). I triple-dog-dare-you.
  2. Longevity/Making a mark on the world – (healthy and strong, not sickly and medicated). “Living the life that we are proud of. That is something we change actually control.”
  3. Sleep – (I have got to do it right. ROWR!!)
  4. Other – (Communities? Socializing? Extrovert/Introvert? etc.)
  5. Exercise – (Yay! 4 – 7 times a week. I have trouble figuring out “Other” and “Exercise”, but here you go.)
  6. Fasting – (Interchangeable, I think. I believe that fasting will edge out meditation.)
  7. Meditation – (Yay! I have got it right.)

Ranked first and last (in decreasing priorities), but all should be together, of course.

That’s the order I have put them in. I’m coming from a place no one here can say that (bad stroke/aphasia). And I don’t want you to! I used to eat all carnivore, but then stroke happen, and the rest is history. Now, I’m plant-based diet and will do so until die.

Find out why here: Health…I never knew

See how I rank those, fasting and meditation will be at the bottom.

Food is at the top.

How about you?🤔

*Warning* You can not outwork a bad diet. Remember that. Get your diet in check first and then worry about having a good workout or fasting or any one of those things. Fix your diet! 

(See: Longevity)


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min