Live for the moment. Claire and my Mom.

Claire Wineland died!  (1997 – 2018)

She was 18 years old from cystic fibrosis… and she loved life. I’ve been following her for one month now (?)… I figured, she going in 1 – 2 years, and think she can handle for 5 years? But she died. I was shocked.

And then I remember, she was going to be happy. Yes, happy! It’s pulled me into the story. One month and she died… happy. Amazing. I want to die like that, learning from the past, and with an eye to the future and in the present – now! And content and peaceful with loving people all around.

You go girl!

“And we realize, it’s what we’re creating that matters. It’s what we’re adding to this beautiful story that matters. When we start looking at that, we change the world.”

Present! (Past, Future)

That’s what Mom (who died called pancreatic cancer) and Claire been telling me. I got it. Claire was all about in – the present.

Here. Now. Live for the moment. Live for present. Live to help another. Live with gratitude.

I’m have been “Future” based, and I always will be. But you have been “now”, but I liked about Claire. My Mom has always been there: “Now.” My Mom and Claire had that one thing is common: “Live for the present.” I couldn’t figure it out. I was always future-oriented. It was always frustrating and I ripped my hair out, but now I see it. I got it NOW.

We are a mix of things: past, future and PRESENT. I always about the “past” — it’s why we grow and be better than ourselves. I always knew of the “future” – the future startups, and invest in startups, I follow the tech trends, we are building the future gadgets, software and hardware, conference, or fashion item, etc. (I live in the future). But I didn’t include the “present”. I figured, we just lived it.

Claire and you Mom (Mom, I love you!!) have taught me that.

“Present”. We have something to give.

And it is glorious.

Aphasia and stroke… I will take you down!!!



Here is Claire’s words:

“And think about the implications of that, because I have lived the kind of life that all of you spend your entire lives running from. I’ve been sick and dying my entire life, and yet, I am so proud of my life. What does that say?

No, really, what does that say about the way we’re all living our lives?

We’re waiting to be wealthy.
We’re waiting to find our passion.
We’re waiting to find our true love,
before we actually start living.

Instead of looking at everything that we have, looking at all the pain, looking at all the sadness, looking at the beauty, and making something with that.

That’s how innovation happens … Innovation happens, art happens.

So, I want to encourage you all, next time you meet someone who is suffering,
who is in pain, instead of shutting down, instead of pitying them, I want you to think: “I bet their life is so beautiful.” Really look at them, and think, “I bet their life is so complex and beautiful.”

We all to be a part of this giant human epic story, right?

We get to be a part of human history. We get to add to it. We have something to give.

And we realize, it’s what we’re creating that matters. It’s what we’re adding to this beautiful story that matters. When we start looking at that, we change the world.”

and this one…and is TED talk!

That reminds me,

What do you want to say on your death bed?

I’m serious.

“Let it out in front of you, and say, Ok. This is what I have. It’s all wonderful and what can I make with it.”

I want it to say,

“GRIT UNLIMITED. Push the human condition FORWARD. Have fun and enjoy the ride… Being grateful, no matter the ups and downs.”


unless I come up with a better one, that’s the one I’ll say for now.

What’s yours?


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min