
I keep hearing this, “Moderation in all things, especially foods.” from friends, colleagues, and family…

and I think is load of sh#t.


  • Definition: “in a way that is reasonable and not excessive: in a moderate way”. S/he believes in doing things in moderation.

I keep telling this “Moderation of what?

Foods is one case, but it goes so further beyond. Let’s concentrate on foods, the saying that revolves around “eat” for now.

For example (short video):

“I’m going to wear my seatbelt half the time, let’s be moderate about it. I mean, every time (you got wear seat belts)?!” – Dr. Michael Greger. Haha!


and here (long video).

Moderation is at 47:30 – 50:30. It’s good, but I’m going on “moderation”. (But it’s really freaking good!)


Where did that say come from, “Moderation in all things.”?  It’s ridiculous in term of food.

“Moderation” is a sign that you just don’t think about it. It’s a moderation in term of the last things we were going after for foods.

“99% efforts is hard. But 100% effort is easy.” – Dr. Garth Davis, Surgeon.

Go all in (i.e.; on foods).

It’s BS. (“Bullsh#t.” That is a English term meaning “You’re talking craaaaaazy.”)

And I don’t talk about bullsh#t about my health.

That’s it.


< end >

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min