My Health (continued)
<A simple version of “Health…I never knew ” post if you want you, here it is ^_^)>
I was athletic, to say the least.
NCAA Championships Swimmer and Team Captain, martial artist, avid birder, skateboarder, 9-ball tournament player, baseball, equestrian rider, artist, and life junkie.
Then Korea came. Oh boy, Korea came and didn’t let go for a while. Nothing against Korea, I love Korea, but it was my (health) downfall.
It was work, party, or sleep. But you only pick TWO.
(You can imagine which side I picked.)
I stayed up all night (working, but I stayed up all night) and 24hr coffee shops/partied/clubs, drank… a lot (didn’t used to do so in the US) and ate (mostly at night and mostly beef, chicken and pork). Sleep? I was three (3) to five (5) hours max. Sometimes, all-night. That was a good day. Ha!
I did it all. I worked all day and network/partied all night. Sleep was optional.
Korea is the most 24 hour cities in the world. I’ll stake my life on it (at least, the country I’ve been too).
Look at how I gained weight:

Oh, I had fun, but weight and health came last. I didn’t know “health” was anymore. Tech and that was it.
It was a rocky road (health). I gained a few pounds/kilograms, and took it off the next day. One day I feel fine and next day I didn’t feel good. I hide my throat under my beard. I don’t take picture when I’m too chunky and try to picked one that look ok, and I post… sparely. I supposed take the weight off, but never got around to it. Work out and a next day no work out.
I fluctuated… for years (ever since my Bowdoin College days).
… look how I looked before (Bowdoin College. I got record too – 50 fly.). Yes, that was actually me.
Amazing, huh?
the stroke came.
It was a rough one. I was out for cold (coma) 2 weeks, and 3 months I spent at the hospital, and handicapped when I got home. I almost died! Died! <That gets me nervous just to think about it.>
High-blood pressure. That was it.
(I say it in alternate Posts. I repeat things I said, but you get the idea. It’s a thing with aphasia. I can’t help it).
Progress (Health),
My Health (Rough Draft),
Dr. X – Whole Plant-Based Foods,
Animal Agriculture (Rough Draft)
I completely changed my diet because of my stroke (and caused my Broca Aphasia). I can’t control much, but I can control what put in my mouth. That is the key.
The mind and heart and body. (Yes, interconnected, but for the time of a speech we have keep it separate.)
Heart. Check!
I can control my heart. And it’s positive and loving (mixed with frustration and anger from this stroke, but mostly controlled. heh.)
Body. Partly.
Stroke is originally mind thing, but we will make “body” for now. Stroke (right-side) is slowly getting better. It’s just take too long. Slowly, I am controlling over most of my body, but need a help – which sucks. (Pllleeaaseee, can I have control of my body! 2-3 years maybe?…I’ll try to make it go faster!)
Mind. That is the tough one.
Aphasia (caused by my stroke) is a language thing.
Follow me here…
Aphasia is the worse. Language is really f#cked up: I had to RE-learn English and Korean.
RE-learn!!! I have to RE-learn stuff.
Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to portions of the brain that are responsible for language.
For most people, these areas are on the left side of the brain [for me, it was the right side]. Aphasia usually occurs suddenly, often following a stroke or head injury, but it may also develop slowly, as the result of a brain tumor or a progressive neurological disease. The disorder impairs the expression and understanding of language as well as reading and writing.
-National Institute of Deafness and Other Communications Disorders (NSICD)
What? “also develops slowly”???
Aphasia can’t go away?
That is troubling.
Externally and internally… I didn’t know what to do.
Brain rewiring! That’s a good concept.
Mind issue: Check, but it will take a lot of time. You got the brain, so what can be the problem?
It’s the food! Why didn’t I think of that!
I was given the four rules I can take with me:
– Health
I had a REALLY bad stroke.
It took 2 week (two week) to write this. People with Broca’s aphasia may understand speech and know what they want to say, but one week of this that are produced with great effort, and edited, one-hand handed, checked spelling, and often omit small words, such as “is,” “to” and “be.”
Read and writing and verbalize – anything to do this language – can be hard. It’s not easy. I am often aware of their difficulties and can become easily frustrated or angry.
I write this cause of aphasia and caused want I wanted to do.
I’m 15% English and no Korean (simple Korean in my head… broken up). Before it was 100% English and 80% Korean (I don’t stuff like religion, politics and health. Business talk that all I was good at). Now it’s gone – 1% Korean. It’s like I have to start over again.
I’m getting better, but it has a long and frustrating to go. Hearing is good (thanks goodness), but conversationally, I’m bad. Stroke, I can get over (slowly), but Aphasia is worse (super slowly). Grammar and math sucks. I figure, 2-3 (10?) years till I fully recover (mostly recover). I’m working on it!
Stroke is a brain injury. I don’t feel anything in my right-side of body (numbness). I have weakness and numbness on my right side of the body and problems with talking, writing. I’m slowly getting better, but that’s what it’s is.
Things changed for me. Not business, but life in general.
Health is my goal. THIS is my goal.
I want to beat this game. I want to be as healthy as possible in order to beat my stroke. Stroke (and it caused my aphasia) is super hard. For me, I want go at it as a hard as I can.
It is only thing out there: whole food plant-based diet. That was it.
You want to prove me wrong? Go for it.
I WANT you to prove me wrong. Steak here I come! But evidence is too great AND you will be responsible for my death. Death. I will die. But you will be responsible for my death. You don’t want to take it on? Well, that what you get by taking me on. Otherwise, I can still do it from here.
Okinawa in the Japan and Loma Linda, California, and some other do it (they are called “The Blue Zones“) and they eat mostly plants and got handle on longevity, I mean, healthy and loving longevity. Some even breaking a hundred years (100 years) and still going strong!
I want that.
Daily Workout (Interior):
- Workout (1 – 4 hours) and just stretching
- Physical therapy
- Sleep (
6 – 7:304:30 – 5:00 AM, I wake up. Pre-stroke: All night. That was better than going to sleep to around 5 – 7am to bed! Repeat: 5 – 7 am all night!) - Intermittent Fasting (abstain from food) once a week
- Extended Fasting (once or twice every 2-3 months)
- Lucid dream
- Mediation / Wim Hof Method
- Longevity (that was the key), and…
- Whole plant-based food (that was the key to unlock all of it).
I’ll do it every day… without stopping… until I die.
I want to do the Triathlon and the Movement. Three (3) years from now, I’ll will be ready (hopefully).
– Science-based and real hard data.
80% of my day is just the health and nutrients.
Asian, and Asian alternative medicine, and Western society… I don’t care.
I did a lot of research… and research …and research (still doing it). I don’t pay attention to media. I was alone (yes, people were there, but people were not there in term of research and basic questions.) Doctors research data, reports and journals, census stuff, PubMed, YouTube, TED talk, motivation videos… read and watch it all.
Doctors and nutritionist are completely separate. Once again, I never knew. Once a while, you get both. But in Korea… it’s not happening. At least, that’s what I found. Hit me up if you do find one!
Whether it is a good and bad and didn’t care. I like it, good, but if it’s bad, oh well, I’ll eat it anyways. Blueberry, nuts, fruit, flax seeds, beans, sprouts, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes… superfoods are always good. I eat it all.
I wanted to be healthy. That was it.
I didn’t care about food – whether it tasted good and bad. I just wanted to tell me: Does this hurt me or help me? Not just for foods.
Give me the facts. No hard evidence, no go.
Got it? Good.

– I do it for my Mom.
She passed away right after I had stroke (pancreatic cancer). Yea, I have a rough 2016.
I do it for her.
Why did she die? What did she do for pancreatic cancer? I know the science from it, but actually happened. It doesn’t make sense. My health… I’ve had a stroke. What caused it? High-blood pressure? What caused the high-blood pressure? I want to get to “why?”
And that was it: It can be cured.
I never knew that. Cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart attack, etc… my uncles and aunts, grandmas, and yes, even my Mom, and it can be cured. That was the results of testing and doctors visits, and take your medicine, but introduce more problems… why did I not know? Arrrrgghh!
That when I realized, “It was food” all along.
97% of disease are all curable! (Dr. John Bergman) It was a shocked as well. I never knew! (One more thing I never knew.)
Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. he is the man! (
My Mom and myself (and a father, my sister, family and friends)…
I’ll do it because of how much know I can show them how to be healthier and happier.
No one in my family had a doctor degree and none of my family friends. No one! That was a shocker/surprising for me.
So, I had to go in it. That was that.
– Animal agriculture is the bonus.
I was always loved animal and was nature nut. Environment was key.
It all made sense. (I’ll write up later.)
I’ve been going whole food plant-based health for 1.5 6 years ever since my stroke… until I die.
AANNNDD I feel fantastic!
…which is why I learned cooking. 😜😉
and that how I got into whole food plant-based health (for stroke, originally, but I like it).
I don’t eat:
- meat
- chicken
- fish/seafood (tuna, swordfish, shrimp, etc)
- dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc)
- eggs
- oil (breaks down the walls with your blood vessel. Walls break down Plaque )
It’s not to say I don’t eat. I love food. Let’s just say there is wealth of foods filling you at the rim.
For example, Plant-based nutrition: Meals
This is what I look like now after whole foods plant-based diet (and days we’re I go out, just plant-based foods. I don’t go out very much.) Stroke: right-side… I’m still working on it, slowly.
There you have it.
Recently I had pics taken (Sat, March 17, 2018)….

I will DOCUMENT my life, not highlight. (I should get some proper tools – camera (not the mobile phone), GoPro, sound device, etc. I’ll let you know when I get them.)
Yeah, document. That is a good idea.
That’s four rules for my stroke.
I don’t see any other way.
[A simple version of Health… I never know if you want you, here it is (less confusing version)]
BlueZones: Check them out!
(I say it in alternate Posts. I repeat things I said, but you get the idea. It’s a thing with aphasia. I can’t help it).
Progress (Health),
My Health (Rough Draft),
Dr. X – Whole Plant-Based Foods,
Animal Agriculture (Rough Draft)
Here are the follow-ups:
Health… I never knew.