My Life Rules
This is what I’ll tell my future children…
Life Rules (aka. Lifestyle Rules)
My father told me four principles to live by:
[or mother or a mentor]
- You must be prepared to protect yourself. Your parents won’t always be there to protect you. Improve your body through training. Sharpen your wits. Try your best to get through the tough times on your own. Don’t get involved with people who won’t do the same. If all else fails, use your imagination.
- There’s always another solution. Every question has numerous answers. And there’s problems that have no solutions at all. Don’t be fixated on one method.
- Never assume your father has the right answer. <smirk>😅😉😆
- WFPB* nutrition is the optimal choice for human’s food and to live longer, and a vegan diet is the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet earth every day. (I added this one. Haha)
PHYSICAL BODY/EXERCISE (Two additional rules for your body)
Martial arts.
It has all of the required qualities I do want to teach my children(s), like, exercise, self-defense, basic philosophies, and social interactions.
Sports or Play
Something where the body sweats, like running, US soccer (aka. football to the rest of the world), track and field, tennis, competitive swimming, martial arts, road biking, etc… NOT like chess, board games, motocross, etc. and music (though I do want those, but that will take secondary priority in my book).
ASIDE: Competitive swimming, I found out, is a required life skill at least in my book. Water (swimming) is REQUIRED get around in the water, at least (and not that it will happen), to save your life at the beach or the pool! For example (REAL example), in college, I was just about to do my competitive swimming practice, and I noticed the football team about to come out in the (pool) water. It was supposed to be swimming practice to strengthen your running or tackling… or something like that. Anyways, they were TERRRIBLE at the most basic swimming things.
That’s when it hit me.
Land sports or footballers are when they would shine. They were all muscles and big dudes! BUT they are horrible at swimming! I could dance around them in swimming without them even touching me. (I know the footballers and we remain friends to this day.) But it was surprising to me how much I could beat them in anything swimming/water-based related.
And this was university/college sports, not middle school or high school stuff. It was shocking and that’s when I decided to have my (future) kids to learn most basic of swimming lessons. They will have to do ‘freestyle’ at least, but I would take the four styles of competitive swimming: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle (…at least, through college or through your teenage years.)
hmm… that’s it.
What do you think?
Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
//— footnote —//
* Whole Food Plant-Based
** This was taken from an, somewhat, anime. Haha
The header image was created by AI. I did edit it too much and finally gave up, but that’s why the text is off.