I want that… I need that. Neuroplasticity.
I been doing research and it is great.
An exciting new(?) area is “neuroplasticity”.
Neuroplasticity:ย The brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
For example, if one hemisphere of the brain is damaged, the intact hemisphere may take over some of its functions. The brain compensates for damage in effect by reorganizing and forming new connections between intact neurons. In order to reconnect, the neurons need to be stimulated through activity.
Let the brain do that have to… and keep sending the good stuff,ย a “Whole Foods Plant-Based Lifestyle“, and exercise.
That will maximize energy do what is needs to do!
(You got to it, mind/heart/body?)
…and you keep making brain cells!ย That’s a big deal.
LiveScience –> Scientists Find Very Young Cells in Even Very Old Brains
Your brain keeps making new nerve cells, even as you get older!
There is that. ๐
So, remember:
Takes practice (so much practice), but it’s never too late.
– Never give up!!!
– Relearn and rewired the brain.
– Neuroplasticity and Exercise.
I know got remember, please remind me. ๐
That’s it.