Paris and The Sustainable Capital Of Fashion

Ha! Now everyone is on the boat. Sustainable fashion here to stay… and it only get better from here on out.


Paris Outlines Plans To Become The Sustainable Capital Of Fashion By 2024

Paris has launched a plan outlining its steps to become greener. Over the next five years, it will implement “Paris Good Fashion” – an initiative calling on influential industry players to push eco-conscious practices forward.


“Paris Good Fashion is an open community regrouping fashion professionals, brands, entrepreneurs, designers and experts who will be working together to establish a roadmap of the steps that can be taken to make Paris the sustainable capital of fashion,” said Isabelle Lefort, a former fashion journalist, who announced the project alongside Antoinette Guhl, Deputy Mayor of Paris, and Frédéric Hocquard, an elected official within the Paris Council, at the Institut Français de la Mode on January 29.

The sustainability roadmap will be unveiled at an event in June, and will focus on how to create a circular economy, improving sourcing and traceability, and making distribution, energy and communication – including Paris Fashion Week – more sustainable, according to WWD.


“It’s our task to invent a new future for fashion,” said Guhl about the organisations who have pledged support, including Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and LVMH. “Our role is to encourage creation while fighting against climate change, to continue production in France while protecting natural resources and to develop our industry while looking out for our artisans.” The projected end date coincides with the 2024 Olympic Games, which will be held in the capital.’

Vogue UK

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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