Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Doctors. Yah!

A daily routine for me.

Well, physical therapy and regular check up for me.  (Exercise is separate. I do that on my own.)

They are beyond nice.

Stroke is hard, but aphasia is harder (frustration and in Korean!). They speak Korean (and broken-English) to me, and I speak in Korean to them. Maan, it is hard. I get mixed-up in my brain – English and Korean – but I’m working on it.

They do an excellent job. Korean – I get it, but English? They do amazing job. Try to match my English skill. No problem. It is not easy for them. Kudus for everyone.

I get to walk around and see if there was any English around. And funny enough, just happen to be a few. Ha.

Now for the doctors and physical therapy/occupational therapy.

They are helping to me get back to my feet (hands. Ha!). I couldn’t do it without their help.

I do workouts on my own, but physical therapy and doctors play an important role. Doctor updates and questions (lists of questions… and they go through all of them), conservational roles, and kinds of questions about physical/occupational therapy. A little short of time with the physical and occupational therapy, but overall a good thing.

You rock – all of you!

Here is the list:

Physical Therapy (Rehabilitation Dept)
Hong Joung-Min (홍정민), Physical Therapy
Na Sung-Hyung (나성현), Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy
Cho Dong-Rae (조동래)
Chung Yung-Rim (전윤림 ) The women was too shy. But she is good.

Dr. 김종문 (Rehabilitation Department)
CHA Medical Central

Dr. Kim Won-Joo (김원주), Neurology
Gangnam Severance Hospital


Physical Therapy

Na Sung-Hyung (나성현), Physical Therapy / Richard Min / Hong Joung-Min (홍정민), Physical Therapy

Hong Joung-Min (홍정민), Physical Therapy

Na Sung-Hyung (나성현), Physical Therapy



Occupational Therapy

Shy…haha. 🙂


Cho Dong-Rae (조동래), Occupational Therapy


Dr. Kim Jong-Moon (김종문), Rehabilitation

He rocks!

Dr. Kim Won-Joo (김원주), Neurology. The brain doctor! Ha.
(I didn’t take a picture. Next time.)

All of you – I don’t thank you enough.

Thank you!

It takes practice, but it’s never too late.

  • Never give up!!!
  • Rewired the brain.
  • Physical therapy/exercise (physical/occupation therapy)
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Workout

I’ll keep going and going…

and I’ll beat this yet!


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min