
Coming soon…


Really. I want to start a podcast.

(This is my new thing. What do you think?)

I wanted to start because it will help my aphasia (you were warned),

and there is no voices out there in Korea/Asia perspectives…

and I just want to.


From Startups, VC/angels, Accelerators, Celebrities and Entertainers, Director, Icon Fashion, Models, Government guys/women, Billionaire/Millionaires, Plant-Based Doctors and Nutritionist, Health nuts, Colleagues and Friends…

any one!

I have started already, but no publishing right now (Argh! Get my phone to the desktop… any takers?)

SLOWLY. I can’t stress enough… SLOWLY.

But it will come.

Oh yes, it will.





Normal voice just for comparison… and for my sanity! (aphasia)
(and dear me… I look overweight in this picture.)

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