Top 9 Reasons for “Richard vs The Rest of World (in Health)”
Okay. Let me go through one more time.
I am going to get personal to my friends and the rest of the world (in terms of my view and my limited experience. ha).
I’m talking about… Food!
Yup. FOOD.
I am a Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle.
That’s my thing. Nothing else.
I want to get over this stroke/aphasia, but now I ended up liking it (and I’m thinking about making a business of it).
I am going WFPB lifestyle NOT because of ethical or environmental reasons. I do it because of health and Mom reasons (Argh!!! If I only knew!!!! 🙁 ). Ethical or environmental is the “vegan icing on the cake”. Ha.
I go over it, right here: >>> Health… If I only knew
Try as you might, but that who I am. Deal with it. In fact, you might want try it .
1. Media vs. Science
I have 20+ times (at least), sitting in my seat, minding own business, and these messages keep coming up, private messages, of the “healthy” people who come up to me say stuff to me on why I don’t want to eat whole food plant-based nutrition.
Answers that I give them will be, like:
- Huffington Post? Daily Beast? New York Times? The Vox? NPR? Etc. I like those as newspapers, but anything “health” related… I’ll skip it or read it “This is bs (health) because of A, B, or C.” (and don’t go and give me one of the newspaper articles saying “I have an article”… No, hundreds of articles, papers and reports: that’s what you have to give me.)
- Who is the author? What has s/he wrote? Is s/he stating an opinion or objectivity?
- I’ve read all of the clinical studies, papers, research reports and I’ll reading them (I usually pick the weekend to study up on those.)
- Do they have any nutrition experience/doctor experience, and whole food plant-based diet at all? That’s the key.
- YouTube stars? Are YouTube stars, that is it. No backup scientific data… and it’s YOUTUBE STARS! 1 – 10 YouTubers (a large part, vegans and I have no idea what the diet is) vs. 100,000+ of science, medical research papers and data.
- AND do you suffer from stroke (with aphasia)? I did, and it is not something you want. No way. You should stay away from stroke. Stroke really…really… REALLLY is hard and have it for a minimum of 3+ years long until it’s largely cured (I will give a 5 – 7+ years long. Argh!! 7+ years~~~~!! (-_-)).
- I am going for it!: A healthy, happy lifestyle and long life. For my stroke and for my life. I want that bad. 1% better in terms of health, I’ll take it.
Very cool people, for sure, but honestly, “You were wrong, I was right.”, that’s not what they were thinking. No, what you are really saying is, “I’ll prove it to MYSELF. It’s my right to choose what I’m eating.” (It has nothing to do with me.)
It’s the food. It’s the food. It’s the food. That from me, who had a stroke, it’s the food.
Whole Food Plant-Based Diet is the answer to so many questions out there.
Nothing else, but the food.
There is a pyramid out where a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet is at the top of it (What to eat), and everything falls down from there.
(e.g.; good or bad exercise, processed foods, junk food, yes/no moderation, meat, fish, vegan with junk foods, vegetarian (they eat dairy and eggs), smoking, etc)
Gluttony/obesity, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, etc., THAT’S what you should be really worried about.
(I don’t mean that you believe in religion or that stuff. We are talking “health”.)
Sorry about that friends, but you are wrong about food. I want to prove that by doing it myself. You can the follow me or not, but I’m going for it.
Figghtttiinngg or RooowwRRR!!!
>>>>Read about it here: No Flavor. None.
2. Science. Scccciieeennccceeeee!!!!!
Media is SECONDARY to the science (and medical science).
Give me science — evidence-based medicine, not anecdotal evidence.
WFPB treats illness and disease – with no side effects!
Whole food, plant-based diet prevents, suspends and/or cure all (peer-reviewed research findings). WFPB nutritional effect is broad and rapids if dietary change is sustained WFPB treats illness and disease—with no side effects.”
What’s A Whole Food Anyway?
3. and like I said before:
The one question that you have to answer to: “Do you have anything evidence-based science that can DISprove that?”
Link!! >>>>A healthy plant-based diet could do reverse the #1 killer of men and women
WFPB diet will preventing and reversing heart disease !!!
A healthy plant-based diet could do—REVERSE the # 1 killer of men and women.
REVERSE! That’s amazing.
4. Anecdotal vs. Many People
1-3 person (anecdotal) VS. many people (and double-blinded, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical studies)…
I’ll take the evidence-based medicine, scientific consensus: a WFPB lifestyle.
Here is non-conclusive evidence for me and sanctity of human life:
- My mother died and it was a because cancer (pancreatic cancer), I needed to say, “What to be the cause of the cancer?” …and it was the food!
- And I have a stroke and aphasia. I HAVE A STROKE!!! …and it was the food.
- And animal agriculture is bad. No questions about it. Killing animals is wrong, greenhouse gas emissions is bad, deforestation is wrong, water waste is wrong, etc… and because animal agriculture is the number #1 environmental problem. …and it all starts with food.
- ANDDDDDDD… I feel GREAT! I feel high energy and better than fine! Anecdotal, sure… but it’s MINE. haha!!
6. Hundred and thousand of others why WFPB nutrition is best in the world.
6. Link>> Worlds-top-doctors-experts-explain-scientific-proven-benefits-of-a-whole-food-plant-based-diet
Dr. Pamela Popper (Passionate about the medical research subject and looking for all angles, natural and medical world. She is giving you the best information out there.)
Dr. Kim Williams (Former President of American Association Cardiology! That is huge. HUGE.)
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD (Writer of the deeply studied, perfect scientific precision, “The China Study” and nominated for Nobel Prize of Medicine)
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (Authoritative, in-the-trenches with patients and research and writer of the “Preventative Heart Disease”)
7. My Top 11 Doctors Who Support “Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition”
Link!! >>>
8. Other Sources
You heard it, right… ATHLETES.
(and Penis Dysfunction. Let’s put a Viagra out of business. Haha)
Nutrition! Dr. T. Colin Campbell
I don’t like this person (I just think he’s annoying), but he’s 58 years old and he has a several points (just ignore the annoyance. hah).
I watched them ALL and still going… it never ends for me.
9. Conclusion
There are lots people that wouldn’t change if they knew and the majority that don’t. They are smoking, for example, and smoking bad for you… who cares? They don’t care. Okay, that’s fine. That they knew, my job is done here.
But they are guys/gals would transform IF THEY ONLY KNEW.
They’re people who the next day — THE NEXT DAY — they learn something new, like this Whole Food Plant-Based diet, particularly if they were striction for some chronic disease (like stroke, for example *ahem*), and they would be eating radical different diet and transform their life.
If they would just knew about it.
That message is that so obvious, that people will listen to, but you don’t do anything because you are caught in the old ways of thinking. Bad habits, political pressure, ego, cultures and obsession of gluttony and vanity of it all… whatever.
I will give you a hand, but only if you take it. 😉
If you got this to point, AND if your still not convinced, ask away… you have a floor. I want to see what you say.
Debate away and I’m listening.
< End >