RockCorps Korea is coming?

I’m going back to this last May 2024… cause it was such an AWESOME event and concert!

RockCorps Korea is coming? hmmm…


Here is my semi-cold email to my friends, colleagues and C-levels strangers:


Hi ( ),

My name is Richard Min, a VC fund executive. (Former Executive Partner of Seoul Startup, Former Managing Director of Fashion Technology Accelerator, etc.).

I am a Co-Founder of an established company coming to Korea – RockCorps. A pro-social marketing and entertainment platform that uses music to inspire change. RockCorps, a 20+ years company operating out of the UK, has operated in 10 countries inspiring 100s of thousands of volunteers working with artists like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, P Diddy, Maroon 5, etc.

I think there could be some interesting alignment and synergy with the perfect way you’re doing at your company – would love to chat and see what you think.

Take a look at the 2-minute video here or read the attached one-pager for more info.

Let me know a good 45-minute time slot for us to meet in person and I can share more.

Intro video:

Paris concert in last May…

And the one-page summary:

Best regards,,

Richard Min
Co-founder RockCorps [Korea]


What do you think?

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min