Sam Yu (유승삼) of ICTK

S. Sam Yu (유승삼), former President and General Manager of Microsoft Korea, and the CEO and Vice Chairman of ICTK Holdings (Integrated Circuit Technology Korea) got to show us a tour and pitch deck for ICTK Holdings.

“ICTK holdings does help manage ID and Key right for IoT era, especially M2M machine to machine authentication.” — Sam Yu

ICTK Holdings are well-known and notable for IoT (Internet of Things). Fashion is notable for theft, both in the high-end and to the street wear.

Crossover? We’ll have to see.  🙂


He went to my office and had a idea… fashion and theft. Is it a big problem.


< end >

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min