Animal Agriculture (Rough Draft)
(Rough Draft)
United Nations Environment Program
Animal agriculture and fossil fuels .. recommendation – global shift to a plant-based diet
Livestock sector is responsible for 14.5,% human caused GHG emissions. – cattle are responsible for 65% of this. That is more than all forms of transportation combined
production of green gases is animal agriculture
treatation environment degradation by what I eat
Is the leading of Environment destruIs the leading of Environment destruction
Water shortage/waction
ter pollutant /water pollutant
Science is there
what if every bite you ate that contributed deforestation?
what the last dessert was polluting the air?
what if that quick grab-and-go meal was a leading cause of extinction?
what if eating a burger was equal to flushing 800 gallons of water down the drain?
and you didn’t even know it.
UN statement:
livestock is main reason for deforestation,
for every kilogram of animal protein produced, livestock are fed about 6 kilogram of plant protein.
solutions for climate changes.
Number of dead zones in the ocean, of which animal agriculture is a leading contributor.
As it turns out, animal agriculture has the most damning impact on climate change and the environment compared to other foods bar none. It’s the second largest contributor of greenhouse gases, more than all of the world’s transport combined.
And it’s the leading cause of deforestation, dead zones in the ocean, and extinction.
international cooperation solve global problems
Greater then all of traportation combined
Carbon footprints Greenhouse warning
Wto. Abstastonce
animal cruelty
climate change
obsese children
transportation sector of the entire world is animal agriculture
the choice they make in term of food what that mean for sustained environment of this planet
biodisioty loss’
its is not true
it harmful to the body; it contritubes to the disease. heart dkisease, diaebets, osterposis, ms, hypertension , clogged arties, high blood pressure, etc
carbon dioxes in coming out of tail pipes
methane –. greenhouse gases — big effect warning effect
food choices and environment and climate chance
world of future . world ahead of us
cignette —. chicken
can’t train doctor, their not trained in this field
angry ; not trained in the field
paradigm shift
“a global shift towards a plant-based diet to save world from the world impact of climate change” – United Nations
i know caused most diseases: animal husbanbry
every year terror group
Amazon rainforest destruction is mostly caused by the livestock industry, with estimates ranging at 70%, 80%, or even 90% of toreenhouse warning
Wto. Abstastonce
animal cruelty
climate change
obsese children
transportation sector of the entire world is animal agriculture
the choice they make in term of food what that mean for sustained environment of this planet
biodisioty loss’
its is not ttua
it harmful to thl body; it co tritubes to tde disease. heart dkisease, diaebets, esterposis, ms, hypertension , clogged arties, high blood pressure, etc
carbon dioxes in coming oft of tail pipeo
methanre–. greenhouse gases — big effect station effect
food choices and environment and climate chance
world of future . world ahead of us
cignette —. chicken
can’t train doctor, their not trained in this field
angry ; not trained in the field
paradigm shift
“a global shift towards a plant-based diet to save world from the world impact of climate change” – United Nations
i know caused most diseases: animal husbanbry
every year terror group
Amazon rainforest destruction is mostly caused by the livestock industry, with estimates ranging at 70%, 80%, or even 90% of total deforestation
USDA Dietary advisory:
for the first time, DAGC suggest that Americans:
– eat less meat
– emphasize plant-food and deemphasize animal products to improve environmental sustainability