Seoul Reservoir Dogs

The first one in 2018. Yay!!

3 years? 4 years? We meet every 1-2 months or so… small group (say 5 – 8 max). Just way we like it. 🙂

“Seoul Reservoir Dogs” (after we got confused John’s and David’s all running around. We decided Mr Pink, Mr. White,  etc… after The Reservoir Dogs (famous Tarantino flick). Formerly as Cheongdam Drink Club, but we have several names for it.


I’m ready to check out the team in 2018. hah!

(In order of appearance):

…and later… there he is…

  • Johnathon Yi joined up (Madelyn Restaurant is on you for coming last! haha!)


Nice place in Cheongdam.

Not items so good on the plant-based foods (I was alone, but no one cared, haha!)

but we had a great time. 🙂



That’s the one!

Johnathon Yi, David Kim, Richard Min, John Chi and Tim Chae.


The second round: The Lion’s Den

Cigars!  Maan, I want one… I can’t (plant-based diet and stroke and all.) 🙁

Tim wants more of startups in Korea… what he is planning for 500 Startup etc. He hired a General Partner, Jeffery Lim (that’s a win in my book.) And he’s got some amazing plans, and one he plans he will announce any day now. We heard it and freaking amazing.

500 is the sh#t! Yah, Tim 🙂

I took Tim around when visited Seoul and he was impressed (around 2014). Funny @ss stories and startup mecca right here. Seoul and Silicon Valley was it.

Guest star: CEO of OGGR (next-exit-ready Game category). I forgot to CEO names…(one for you, aphasia  🙁 hmm… I should get to them names everyone that aphasia has messed with.)

I got hear stuff regarding me. David and John were saying funny stories and heartaches (my stroke, for example)… and its all good. The point was…

“Be strong.”

Always. Even if it is too tough or frustrating, I gotten keep on. I so needed that. Thank you.

It’s talk shop, and shoot the sh*t, or whatever.

I like it… its a good talk and conversation.

I hate to leave early – next time!



Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min