Solvay Group (big @ss company) and Martin Pasquier and Mathieu Hamel (LEA) and Richard Min (Fashion Tech Accelerator), Micheal Huang (Big Bang Angels)

Big company is SOLVAY. Think Dow Chemicals, but in European (Belgium originally, now truly a big global company). They are part of the Solvay Group, a leader in the manufacture and development of chemicals, batteries and new materials.

This LEX (Learning Expedition Asia) will be taking place on 26 – 28th of February in Seoul, Korea. It is part of a 3-day series of events. All the participants are scientists working in labs, so their main point for the visits is how to make my work in the lab more digital (think AI, VR, AR, IoT), any tech that can make their work more productive.

For the Research & Innovation team, the purpose of the LEX include the following:

– Understanding and learning from best practices based on the experience of other corporates and startups to accelerate their transformation mindset

– Identifying opportunities from new technologies to shape their lab’s digital transformation, e.g. AI for lab equipment and data analytics to digitalise the lab’s operations and more

– Exploring collaborations with local partners for business opportunities in current or new strategic areas

Some of the areas that Solvay’s Innovation Lab is working in:

Electronics : Such as the development of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) display and lighting technologies as well as lithium-ion batteries for enabling optimal energy storage, and the development of new materials that reduce energy use of cars.

Chemicals & Polymers: They are working in close cooperation with EWHA’s Centre for intelligent nano-biomaterials, EWHA’s Institute of nano-biotechnology and EWHA’s Institute of nano-biotechnology and EWHA’s New & Renewable Energy Research Center.

To share a bit more, key participants in attendance would be their Research & Innovation Korea Director as well as their Digital Lab Network Leader, the Group’s global innovation champion.

Organization it:
Mathieu Hamel (CEO/Co-Founder, EA) and Martin Pasquier (Co-Founder, LEA)
Involved: Richard Min (LinkedIn )

We create learning expeditions and experiences to empower top executives and organizations to reach their transformation goals

We visited:
Michael Huang, Big Bang Angels
Unicorn Park, Shinsa Branch Office

Solvay Ewha University
Eng: 150 Bugahyeon-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul
Kor: 서울시 서대문구 북아현로 150 (이화-솔베이 연구센터)

Thanks a bunch!

Martin, you the man!  🙂

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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