Sparklabs Demo Day 2018



John Chi, VC (Venture Capital, iDream Ventures) and Sam Baik, Director, Pacific-Asia New Business Dev. at Meizler UCB Biopharma S/A , I met them there and we went the Sparklabs demo day. (John Chi and I go way back into the Seoul Reservoir Dogs and, basically, just hang out. Ha.). 🙂

I went to visit old friends from Sparklabs — Sparklabs Co-Founders & Partners and Sparklabs Global Ventures (owning the fact that they are too many to name, Bernard Moon, Christopher Koh, Jay McCarthy , Jimmy Kim and others… I can’t remember because of aphasia, so it’s skip it for now and remember it later. Ha.)  — and demo day, startup mentoring, business plans and dinner.

(AND… I have more than enough podcast interviews. Yea!)

David Lee, VC of Refactor Ventures (originally from Y Combinator of SV Angels) was there and it’s too crowded… we will have coffee later. I want to talk about his leaving for the ‘health’ investments. (I’ll take pictures.)


It was a blast! Really. Not bad at all.

JYP (Park Jin-young) was there. I met him a few times. He’s a very cool guy (here is video):


Michael Lesniak, SK Telecom, Director (Yes! He’s Director now. Not bad.) and Woong Hwan Ryu, SK Telecom, GM & Senior VP of Open Collaboration Center sponsored Sparklabs. (We go waaayy back.) Here the site: (Thanks Michael!)


After Party 

We had it at the same place as the “First Afterwork” party. 🙂



Daam it … went to 20 millions views on YouTube and I can’t remember their names! (Aphasia 1 : Me 0) 🙁


It was all and all, a good day.


Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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