Startup Seoul (and my time here)

Ommgaawwd!! I forgot my Startup Seoul a first “real” job outside the hospital.

Here is where I work,



International, boutique, accelerator and coworking powerhouse of innovation for startups in “Garosugil”, Seoul, Korea.

We got the “Garosugil” (the tree-lined road) in Sinsa-dong (it’s international fashion street in Gangnam area).

We got Mentors (International Mentor and local Mentor. It’s really, really good!!), we got Partners, and powerhouse team good guys, Andrew Kim, former Head of Oculus Korea (which was bought out by Facebook) and, like, me, for example. 🙂

We got International flava… Korean and English as standards, and multiple languages all in there (Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Hebrew, etc.)

We got startups and we handle them — directly.

Our current batch, looks like this…


And here is my location, sexy, I know. Heehee!

(available on page 7 of the Deck)

간단한 자기소개와 스타트업 서울에 대한 설명 부탁드립니다.
Could you introduce me about yourself and Startup Seoul?

“GRIT UNLIMITED. Being grateful for the ride, no matter the ups and downs.”

That’s my saying.

Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Have a Legacy. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

The currently, I am the Executive Partner of Startup Seoul. Previously, Manager Director of the Fashion Technology Accelerator, Seoul (Silicon Valley, Seoul, Milan) and Cofounder of Seoul Space and Kstartup (the first Asian accelerator funded by Google). And Founder and CEO of +822 (on hold). And way back when, I was CEO of Zingu, first Pay-Per-Click search engine and advertising in Korea — that was the year of 2000! Yikes!

I love BIG thinking that moves big pieces on the board, creates value, and pushes the human condition forward. I build ecosystems that bridge Asia to the world through Korea (or) innovation platforms (or) work with and/or invest in companies that do so.

Innovations and startup. That’s where I’m at… I love it!

I am also on a whole foods plant-based lifestyle (NEW! ). It started when I had my stroke, and I keep it up in honor of my Mom… and I love it! (Aphasia and Stroke (Argh!). Slowly, starting get better. RaaawwwrrrrRRR!!! Read it here: Health…I never knew.)

That when I got into to Startup Seoul in “Garosugil”, Sinsa (Gangnam area).

Andrew Kim made the transition a breeze even considering my post-stroke-ness. You rock, Andrew! I have been friends for a while (6 years?). We teamed up as Executive Partners as the whole thing over: Startup Seoul, as a re-doing my Seoul Space as a boutique style accelerator and coworking center.

It was perfect!

Take a look:

Loads of stuff we want to show you…

Come on down!


He is my address:

Startup Seoul
Seoul Gangnam-gu, Sinsa-dong, Dosan-daero , 120
3rd floor, “Garosugil” (Tree-lined Street)
Zip Code: 06036
(541-17 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)

서울특별시 강남구 신사동 도산대로13길 10, 3층

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min