Steven Goh (CEO of Migme) and me hit the… plant-based food place. Ha!


Steven Goh, CEO of Migme. He is a good friend, he is cool and been around the world forever and now he setting up Korea office. Yeah! I will get to bother him more often. Ha!

Steven is a serial entrepreneur. He has founded/cofounded 3 companies that have led in financial services and in social networking. Migme (2006) was an early leader in mobile and social networking, and with a reach to tens of millions of feature phone users.

I’m taking him to “Sun the Bud”.

He’ll like it. Trust me.

He didn’t get plant-based food, he got fish, 🙁 but I did. He did get the Green smoothie, so that is thing. I will get him on plant-based food once a week! Haha! (Shoot! I didn’t get a shot of my food. Next time.)


He was responsible for taking my photograph. Check out my and his photos. 😀 He is a photographer by hobby. He takes on a Leica. Nice! He is amazing. I want to get a framed photograph and hang on my wall. He is just that good. (I’m off on the focus, but you get the idea.)

Steven photographer

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Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min