TechCrunch 2016 Seoul, Korea

It’s my first night out after the hospital (Oct 26-27, 2016) and TechCrunch Seoul 2016… I have to go!

Well, it’s my first time out-ish and I am my buds (owners) in Vatos in Itaewon, Seoul, Korea are going to host (wait a minute, I don’t know who is host! I’ll have to check.) and the TechCrunch people were here. Yea! I guess I should go.

A small gathering of TechCrunch crew before the big show.

(From my blog: I’m visiting new and old friends – my past, present and future friends and colleagues. For my aphasia and… its about time!)

He’s a big guy – he’s the man running this operations. (Sorrry I don’t remember names! Aaarrgh aphasia!!.. I hate youuu!!!! … sorry, carry on…) He called me off like this from his co-worker recommendations (Joey Hinson) during +822 plans (my other company) last year.  Joey Hinson is the Director of Operations for AOL Tech which includes TechCrunch, Engadget and Crunchbase. Joey has P&L responsibility as well as sales management responsibility. He’s is another TechCrunch I meet last year. Really cool guy.

You guys rock!

Haaa! CEO of Koreaboo of Sfsfssdsdgg and Afafafa Asfasf (I’ll look them up… he’s and she an old friends. Names. It’s got to be freaakin names!)

TechCrunch Seoul – Day 2

Welcome TechCrunch Seoul 2016

Darren – CEO and gaming developer.

She used work for me and now she back to Italy doing a startup! Rockin!!

David Lonjon!! (I got right! yah !!) He is doing some some CEO stuff computer hacking for Chanel. 🙂

Dzdfdsg sgsfdg – he is a big guy and old friend aaargghh what the name??!! Well, SK in the hoouussee!


TechCrunch Seoul 2016 … I wonder what happened 2017? hmm.

They did one here TechCrunch Seoul 2015.
(ah! I should pull some pics out. Yes, that what I should do next time.)

TechCrunch Seoul 2015

Well, 2016 끝



[Unrelated: Blog: The pics were messed up. Most were top down and inverted, literally the opposite would show up – Save Draft and Publish. I think that’s to do with the size (too heavy 5000×3000 or somethings like that). I have to send the wordpress guys a message on that one.]

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min