TEDx SNU (Seoul National University)

I was attending due to my good friend, 김서진 (Elisa Kim). We’ve been friends, like, 25 years (over?).

Maan, I still remember the first one TEDxSEOUL (I did the afterparty), which was done in 2008? 2010? (Aaarrgghh! When was that?) Well, it has so exploded thereafter.

Lot of kids (young adult) for TEDx. I don’t know whether that is for last guest (May J Kim, she did dancing) or just in general. I’ll have to attend some other ones. It will be interesting.

Displaying TED SNU - 안녕하세요 TEDxSN...

Displaying TED SNU - 안녕하세요 TEDxSN...

(It’s in Korean and English.)

안녕하세요 TEDxSNU입니다.

TEDxSNU의 열네번째 행사(감 : 세상을 느끼는 이야기)에 오신 걸 진심으로 환영합니다.

■ 일시: 2018.3.17(토)
본행사 1:00pm ~ 18:30
애프터파티 19:00 ~ 21:00

■장소: 백암아트홀 (삼성역 8번출구)

■ 행사 타임라인

13:00 ~ 13:30 오프닝 (행사소개/IB)
13:30 ~ 15:00 1부
15:00 ~ 15:45 인터미션
16:00 ~ 17:15 2부
17:15 ~ 17:30 인터미션 #2
17:30 ~ 19:00 3부

※입장은 행사 시작 45분 전인 12시 15분부터 가능하오니 여유있게 오시면 될 것 같습니다.

※음식물은 반입이 안되는 점 양해 부탁드립니다. 주차공간이 협소하고 관객 수가 많을 것으로 예상되오니 대중교통을 이용하시길 권해드립니다.

※모바일티켓을 문자로 첨부드릴 예정입니다. 모바일티켓은 본인 확인 및 명찰배부를 위해 필요한 티켓이므로 입장 시 제시해주시면 됩니다.

※휠체어를 타고 오시는 청중분께서는 행사 전날 까지는 카카오톡 플러스친구로 연락처랑 성함을 보내주시고, 행사 당일에는 010-9470-5915으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

궁금하신 점은 카카오톡 플러스 친구 http://pf.kakao.com/_wbmxkxd (카톡ID : TEDxSNU)를 이용해주시기 바랍니다.

■장소: 백암아트홀 (삼성역 8번출구)
Place: Baekam Hall Baekam Hall Google Maps
백암아트홀 Baekam Hall/

I got VIP access. Yaahh! Hah.

The Afterparty

Artist Il-dong Kim’s actual speech!

From Feeling to Imagination and Imagination for Harmony

I am an artist to draw. The most necessary thing in my job is sympathy and communication with people. Although arts are sometimes difficult to understand, I try to pursue the style people can enjoy and feel comfortable.

Therefore, feeling is a kind of window to embrace the world. Feelings taken by five senses are like excellent material, so acquisition of various idea is really crucial for me. It is the same vein that great works need diverse arts materials.

Also, the objectivity about idea is significant. In other words, generally when we see red signal, we stop and feel danger, and move with feeling security when we see blue signal. Likewise, the reason why we do not drink steaming hot coffee at once is we already know it is hot. These examples are the objective and general feelings taken by experiences. The objectivity will help to communicate and interact with other people. If I draw daytime with black color because I just feel bright the black color, the paint will be weird. It means it is a lack of empathy. Thus, I need to have the objective cognition.

After acquiring feeling, I use my imagination to complete my own drawing.

On the contrary to feeling, imagination is subjective. I can draw my only attractive arts with imagination.

There are numerous different people in the world. In the same time, there are a lot of imagination. Each own imagination is really valuable because it is energy to create each universe that they create. It is the reason the word imagination contains the meaning of power. In this universe, imagination shines like beautiful stars.

<Picture of mushroom>

What does it look like? We can know it is mushroom easily. It was objective recognition through vision. Then, what happens when you add imagination in that?

Try to imagine.

<Smurf house>

It became the house of Smurf village. The shape of home is very familiar and interesting. It was made by mushroom that everybody knows and the creative’s subjective imagination.

Imagination comes out exophytically. In this process, it influences on the other people. Smurf house makes use happy by sensible imagination, but sometimes are not due to diverse imagination. Each imagination can come into conflict and make disharmony, and even have side effect.

For one example, my friend had lived in Africa for 3 years. I asked with curiosity, “How could you live in Africa for 3 years with discomfort?”. Then, he answered against my expectation, “No, Korea is more uncomfortable.” What does it mean? I became more curious. Then, he said that he taught art to children in Africa, and commuting time was set because the shuttle bus was only once a day due to the terrible traffic. Also, the Internet was not developed, so he did not have to do quickly or extra work. At first, it was uncomfortable, but after adapting to the environment, he could focus on his students more than before, and he felt proud and rewarded.

Now, he is planning for cultural art in Korea. He has to work at home because of development of the Internet, work overtime at night as giving taxi fare, and have meeting on smartphone, so he cannot have time to think his own. As he was exhausted, he felt that he is one of the part in the company and his duty is preventing the accident in event rather than doing his favorite project of cultural art.

Likewise, the world that is structured imagination is not connected with positive result.

My painting reflects the side effects of imagination.

I want to talk about my work.

I work in 24 hours café without regard to time.

The café is surrounded by large scale of industrial complex and entertainment facility, so neon sign is always shining brightly and there are many people even at night. I can see people doing extra work and meeting at late night. As seeing the coffee on their table, I think ‘Do people work late due to coffee or do they need coffee to work late?’ Anyway, they look pretty hard and unhappy. However, as I see the cashier, I think ‘but the owner of the café will be happy.’

In this situation, I draw an owl adding my imagination.

The title is ‘happy owl’.

<Picture of owl>

In snowy winter night, the owl is deep in thought because he has a lot of worries to make delicious coffee. The head is heated, the beans are roasted by the heat, and beans are come down by rail. Tear flowing from the left eye turns a spinning wheel and grind beans. Tear flowing from the right eye brews beans. Through these process, tasty coffee is created, and people drink it with lining up. Exhausted gray colored people drink coffee, cheer up, and work again with changing color.

Drink coffee and work again, again, again…

I was really sad when I drew the picture, so I painted the owl that moves by tears. Sad owl cannot stop tearing. Thus, coffee is being produced. Concerning to make more delicious coffee for tough people keeps roasting the beans of head.

Winter night continues and the lined are not stopped. Sad looking owl, I was named ‘happy owl’ paradoxically. Why?

Because coffee is sold well. Still now people are paying in counter. The owl is company. Company tries to increase selling, and people try to live. In the interacting purpose, nobody stops, and they move more busily. Cold winter night grows late.

To apply the results of countless imagination to the real life, “structure” is created, but actually the side effect is made. In the structure, people forget essence and suffer. Don’t you think that the suffering people are the same with reality?

<Appreciating happy owl : about 20s>

<Monitor : Network syndrome>

This work is ‘Network syndrome’ expressing colorful peacock.

Peacock has a lot of eyes, and they can see all of things in the world. In addition, through the wires between eyes information is exchanged as if we can get information in the world quickly by lots of digital windows (showing a cellphone). Thus, peacock is always confident. We can know everything we want without embarrassment if we have this screen of cellphone and Wi-Fi.

However, I asked one question to peacock.

“What is your dream?”

The peacock does not answer. Looking more about it, the peacock has no their own eyes.

Where am I in the world of colorful network and media?

<Network syndrome – appreciating media art for 20s>

Likewise, although now is developed world by human imagination, sometimes people forget what is valuable.

Then, what do we do now?

I believe imagination needs harmony to coexist with everything. It is difficult to understand, so I will take an example. To make the paper, we have to cut old tree at once. However, it causes desertification, and it connects with lack of oxygen. Finally, ecosystem will be destructed. One paper company devised more harmonious way instead of destroying the forest.

<Papertree pictures – about 20s>

Using abandoned land which is unnecessary place between rice paddies, trees were planted in rows. People imagined eco-friendly cultivation method and realized it. As a result, the forest was not destroyed, ecosystem was maintained, and the amount of carbon dioxide was decreased, and local economy was revived due to income of farm. These trees could have new name, ‘papertree’. Of course, to complete of cultivation method, countless time of research and effort was needed.

Imagination becomes harmonious reality.

This example would be very fragmentary, but the example of the effort can be energy to imagine about harmony with everything.

It is the ‘imagination of harmony’.

We experience everything for the first time. We go to school, get a job, and marry for the first time. In the process, people all make mistakes, misunderstand something, conflict and have side effects. We will recognize and learn feeling in each time.

Therefore, if something new happens next time, we can deal with more wisely by feelings that are accumulated experience.

Current structure made by imagination is the same. In this developed world, people can make mistakes and errors, but don’t you think that this false experience will give a chance to think about reason to need harmony in imagination and method?

We live in the world where the benefits of imagination from the past, hope of imagination about future, and problem of imagination in current generation.

Don’t you think that all of imagination is us who live in the moment?

We can know that how the world shines, what it suffers, and how to deal with the imagination.

We all live together.

<Picture of earth>

The present and future.

Your imagination is the most valuable in the world.

I am pop artist, Kim Il Dong. Thank you for listening my story.



김서진 (Elisa Kim, CEO of Space Alpha) thanks for the invite! You rock!!

Il-dong Kim Il-dong Kim Facebook

TEDxSNU TEDxSNU (Seoul National University)

Here is the rest: TEDxSNU Photo

That is about it.

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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