Tetsuro Yoshimatsu, CEO of istyle stops by.

Tetsuro Yoshimatsu, CEO of istyle stopped in and was joined by Raphael Jutant, Executive General Manager, istyl Inc. (I forgot to get his picture. Shoot! Next time.)

We have been friends with Tetsuro for 5 years (6?) and never knew he was the cosmetics side of work. Well, I knew he was CEO cosmetic side, but I didn’t know he was listed (Japan of the stock market)… and it was listed a time a long ago. Ya think you know someone, and then they pull this off. <Tsk tsk> Haha.

Forbes: Istyle company profile (Forbes Asia’s 200 Best Under A Billion 2018)

Wall Street Journal: istyle (Japan: Tokyo) stock market

RichardMin-Tetsuro Yoshimatsu

Just shat (?I don’t how that is spelled.??) the sh#t for a while, hung out and I got to meet Raphael.

I had an interview for Tetsuro and Raphael for my podcast, but it was messed up.


(No editing. I just wanted to see the major screwed up I did. 🙁 )

Next time will see him, I’ll get it right!!! (That podcast was a good one! Argh!)

We made a night of it and we had a blast. 🙂 😛




Maybe their crossover potential from iStyle and Fashion Technology Accelector, Seoul? Haha, who knows?

Ah, I just want to see my friend and hang out.



Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min