The Last Month: Startup Seoul 2019

Well, here are these pictures from Startup Seoul roughly 4 weeks:


The order is mixed up and the names mixed up too. Ah, the better to match names with the faces.

Good luck. Haha! Ready? Go!

(And aquarium and plant-based foods to show you’re interested. ha.)

Victor Ching, CEO of Miso

Albert Hahn, Head of Google for Startup Korea

John Chi, Former Founder/CEO of DSKY Ventures

Erik Cornelius, Managing Director at Bright Shiny Robot

Robert Joe,, Senior Producer of Virtue Worldwide

Rich Lim, Brand Strategy, VICE Media Asia Pacific

Matthew Shampine, General Manager Korea of WeWork

Matha Dal Lago, International Market Development of Spectrum

Matha Allina, Manages Startup Weekend Seoul

John Kaaiohelo, CEO of BOD Tech Ventures

Samuel Hwang, General Partner of 500 Startups and VC/Private Equity

Micheal Lesniak, Strategic Partnerships at SK Telecom

Jonghwan Park, Co-chairman of the 김기사컴퍼니 (Mentor)

Jinwoo Lee, Journalist of Seoul Economic Daily and Edaily (Mentor)

Steven Koh, CEO of Alchemy

S. Sam Yu, CEO of ICTK

Dia Akilli, Coding for Change

William Choi, CEO of Posture360

George, CEO of IDPC

Andrew Kim, Founder and Executive Partner of Startup Seoul

Eric Kim, CEO of Archidraw

Brian Lee, Investment Analyst of SOSV

Richard Min, Manager Director of Fashion Technology Accelerator and Executive Partner of Startup Seoul

Stuart Schechter, CEO of “Dice” and Breadbox (Mentor and Executive-in-Residence)

Stanley Oh, Director of Capital One Ventures


< end >

Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

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