This is for my Mom

For my Mom:

I don’t do for ‘boo woo’ you (oh yes, there has to be some crying), but only if I celebrate your passing. I embrace the stuff and move on. I can stick to this think feeling, I can do it the take on the world (starting from Korea). Stroke and aphasia … child’s play! It’s will take years to beat it, but then it takes years… I can do it! ROWR!

You loved to laugh, loved flowers, loved travel, you were at home in New England (US) and Korea… shoot…  I miss you so much. You passed away 2 years ago from pancreatic cancer. Health wasn’t a consideration… boy, do I know now (cancer and stroke). If I only knew now what I didn’t back then…  🙁

The whole ‘whole food plant-based lifestyle’ was the missing piece.

(Remember? I was always animals crazy and “health” just works its way in there! Ha!)

Whole food plant-based lifestyle is for you, Mom. Yah, I know now that you would have ecstatic. We would have jumped the train right away. Mom and me! Heheh!

I didn’t get it, but now I do… you helped me through that. Thank you.


Here are some pictures (so many pictures! hah. No one is making fun of me now!)

Kyunggi Museum event!

I got them! Ha! (Founding Chairman, Captain Shin Yong-Wook (신용욱) of Korean National Airlines ). It wasn’t Ewha University and it was Kyunggi High School! Kyunggi High School and Seoul National University/Ewha Women University were top billing those days. High school have open schools nowadays, but the old way still stand. Seoul National University/Ewha Women University are still considered top schools.)

Auntie Cho (“Chair” of Hyosung Group., a conglomerate. She knows it. Everybody knew it. But I just call her “Auntie 광자”. Ha.) presided over the meeting.



You look so happy here!: KNA:

Auntie 광자 just sent that over. She and mom were close (kid stuff close).

Here to go, Mom:

I am going to take over Korea, Asia, USA and the rest of the world through (‘outside in!’)…

  1. Tech and whole food plant-based lifestyle (I got a plan!)
  2. Podcast (video).. hang on I’m doing it! Geesh!
  3. Min Foundation, and
  4. Legacy… and the rest of it (I so got a plan!!!!!!). 🙂

I love you, Mom.



Richard Min

Innovation, tech startups and fashion startups acceleration, plant-based food (new!) and a whole bunch of life stuff.

Richard Min has 203 posts and counting. See all posts by Richard Min

4 thoughts on “This is for my Mom

  • Love love love this, Rich! ♥️♥️♥️

    • It’s been two years, maan, do I miss her.
      Your Imo (auntie) is feeling better? I’m telling you… 97% are all curable. CURABLE. 🙂

      • She’s better thank God. All of us think she had a bad reaction to the flu shot last Oct and b/c of her age it took her months to recover. She’s doing pretty well. We send you our love and steady, forward recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

        • XOXOXO <3

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