ToasterMasters, Gangnam, Seoul – My first one (with aphasia).
ToasterMasters, Gangnam, Seoul. I am given my first ToastMaster ever since my stroke. It was hard (in terms of aphasia).
It will be loonnnngg time with stroke/aphasia. I made mistakes (oh yea, I made mistakes) and errors, and I didn’t make in time… but all and all, it is not bad. I’ll give an 3.5 (of 10).
The notes and letters is a big deal (about my speech and feedback) … that was really helpful.
Thanks to the ToastMaster for let me there and thanks …well… letting me speak despite my aphasia. 🙂
Normal voice just for comparison (and for my sanity!):
Seoul, Korea.
They meet every Wednesday, and post-network session of local bar.
SRTM Meeting, April 5, 2018
서울특별시 서초구 서운로 142-4 (Cozy)
President: Stella Ra
South River Toastmasters (SRTM) Club (
[[They should have called Gangnam Club. That would attract more people. Oh well.]]
FB: Facebook South River ToastMaster
Speeches (Ice Breakers):
Joungho Lee
Richard Min
Ryan Oh
That’s a wrap. I’ll see you next week. 🙂

My first one (with aphasia)

Here is one at the post-network session of local bar.